Gluten-free dining?

<p>Does the dining hall offer gluten-free options? Unfortunately it looks like this might be a necessity for my child and will affect her college options.</p>

<p>Thanks for any information.</p>

<p>Bama Dining has recently expanded its gluten free dining options and is proudly displaying many of its gluten free products. That said, many of the gluten free options are cooked to order, so a student will have to ask for them.</p>

<p>Also, if the child will be eating breakfast in his/her room, having one of the several CHEX cereals that are GF is good to have on hand. Also can make for a good snack.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information.</p>

<p>My son requires a gluten free diet and we have had a few discussion with the UA dining staff. It is AMAZING how well they are catering to this and other food allergies. Compared to a few other schools (which use the same company for dining services) where we were told…“He could just make do…”</p>

<p>I suggest you contact the dining services and when you visit they are more than happy to meet with you to discuss how they handle a GF diet. So far UA is the best we have seen for this option.</p>

<p>twomutts, Do you know if they require a medical authorization to request gf dining? We are still in the middle of the testing process and are trying to decide if an endoscopy is absolutely necessary given our specific family history. Thanks for the response!</p>

<p>If it’s anything like some of the vegetarian options, one simply has to ask for the items. Bama Dining does advertise its gluten free options and no requirements are listed to order them other than the fact that the food might take a couple minutes to prepare. In fact, more people ordering gluten free options may lead to increased availability of gluten free options in the future.</p>

<p>There is no need for medical authorization for the dining services. You will only need that if you need some sort of special housing arrangements. </p>

<p>Also - here is the person we talked with over the phone and met in person during one of our visits. He is more than willing to discuss all of the options for dining. He has gone a long way to educate his staff on these issues.</p>

<p>Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>Ed Robertson
Residential Foodservice Director
Bama Dining - University of Alabama
(205) 233-3929 cell
(205) 348-1752 office
(205) 348-0399 fax
<a href=""></a></p>

<p>Thanks so much! This does a lot to ease our minds.</p>