Go Badgers!

<p>UW</a> Police Eject 39 At Badgers Game - Sports News Story - WISC Madison</p>

<li> One of the biggest problems facing UVA athletics is legal entanglements. Cavalier Daily sports columnist Paul Wiley explained, “Ten football players were arrested and/or kicked off the team for academic problems between the end of last year’s regular season and the start of this year. Since the beginning of this year, quarterback Peter Lalich was kicked off as well. Just the other day, fullback Rashawn Jackson was arraigned on charges of breaking and entering and grand larceny. The team has managed to eke out a few impressive wins recently, but the character questions still remain. Will the Hoos become the new Criminoles? The new Hurri-cons? Unless things turn around in a hurry, it looks like the answer is yes.”</li>

<p><a href=“http://www.cavalierdaily.com/2010/04/29/officials-arrest-45-foxfield-attendees/[/url]”>http://www.cavalierdaily.com/2010/04/29/officials-arrest-45-foxfield-attendees/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Unless I’m missing something, that article has about as much relevance to the thread as Alexander Ovechkin to a soccer game.</p>

<p>How is pointing out that other schools have problems bettering this thread in any way?</p>

<p>Novaparent, </p>

<p>I feel sorry for you. You bring nothing but negativity to this board. Why are you so unhappy? Have you suffered some psychological trauma at the hands of a UW grad? </p>

<p>Yes, every campus in this country has its problems. Every campus has its controversies. Unbelievably, you spend your living hours looking for UW’s imperfections. Sad and lonely must be your life. </p>

<p>Seek help. Life is short. Please feel better.</p>

<p>Most of the citations were for alcohol abuse, especially underage drinking. You don’t think this goes on at UVA? The police are at least trying to control it at UW. What is your problem, anyway?</p>

<p>I agree, etherdome. Both novaparent, and Barrons, degrade this forum but from different extremes. nova with his/her hate for the school. Barrons, with his/her love for the school to the point that NOTHING else matters, which really doesn’t help the school at all. Most recently, going on the Minnesota forum and gloating about the loss. I’d be very happy to see them either start to contribute with things that had some thought put into them, or simply just leaving.</p>

<p>My problem, greennblue, is that barrons has been posting anti-UVA posts on the UVA board for years. I’m just trying to level the playing field.</p>

<p>Okay, didn’t know that. Well then, how about you two both be adults and stop being d-bags who hide behind their computer screens and feel tough? Situation solved.</p>

<p>Aw, man! Don’t lump me in with barrons! I only take shots at UW! He takes shots at every school that ISN’T UW!!</p>



<p>So basically, “HE STARTED IT!” </p>

<p>You sure you’re a parent? Because you sound more like a toddler.</p>

<p>I also live part year and pay significant taxes in Virginia so I have an interest there and quite a bit of accumulated knowledge. I’ll be there in a couple weeks–maybe Nova will come down to C’ville for lunch. I rarely go to any other school boards unless the question is XXXX vs UW.</p>

<p>Please barrons… you rarely go to other boards???</p>

<p>Like going to the UMN SOLEY to rub it in that they lost to South Dakota? Yeah, okay.</p>

<p>Exactly right. Barron’s was on the U-Va board just this week making snide comments about U-Va students drinking, which is why I began this thread. What’s good for the goose . . .</p>

<p>Regarding the original topic. First home game, students learning the rules are real- you can and will get caught for alcohol. Message to the rest of the fans to behave. Probably (hopefully) fewer incidents in the future if people got the message.</p>

<p>I can not crush Barrons. He/she referred my son to someone at UW’s admissions office. That “someone” interviewed my son for 45 minutes and made my son feel at home. I think, more than anything else, the interview/chat is what convinced my son that UW was right for him. </p>

<p>My son’s stats were good enough for UVA, UW, UM and maybe some ivies. It was his talk with Mr Reyes that made the difference. He is happy at UW and is already involved with a research project in the English department. In a very real way, I owe Barrons.</p>

<p>Having said that, I want to publicly ask Barrons to leave the UVA folk alone. They are who they are and they have a fine school. There is nothing to gain from the ■■■■■■■■. Perhaps Nova will find it in her heart to reciprocate. These boards are here to help students and parents make the most of their college years. Childish banter is not worthy of either school. </p>

<p>I also want to publicly thank Barrons for providing support to everyone on this board. You are obviously proud of your alma mater. Thanks for being here.</p>

<p>to novaparent:</p>

<p>sorry for partying</p>

<p>^You should be. It was a Saturday morning game day at a Big 10 university! You should have been in your room brushing up on Aristotle, or just doing calc for fun.</p>


<p>Very well said. Thank you.</p>

<p>^^^^So Novaparent, can I count on you to refrain from the negativity? </p>

<p>Let’s all try to help one another. Every university has its own board. Why waste time and effort ■■■■■■■■?</p>

<p>Here is the UVa thread Nova was mentioning. I made a brief post in response to what I thought was a good honest post from a UVa student (kitty). It not like I ever tried to claim there was little drinking at UW. But trying to claim it is that unique and UW and not common at UVa and many other schools that are not dead is just not true. Also I actually have spent many days in C’Ville and have a pretty good knowledge of the place for a non student–I’m sure I have been there MANY more times than Nova has been to Madison. I considered it for a place to retire and ended up just an hour away in nearby Lynchurg which we found while staying at a hotel in C’ville while looking at houses to buy… We regularly went up there to shop, have breakfast, go to games etc. for the year we lived in Lynchburg. After UW I probably know more about UVa than any school. And I will be up there the weekend of the October 2-3 for my third visit this year. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/980171-how-prominent-driking-campus-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-virginia/980171-how-prominent-driking-campus-2.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;