Go to USMMA Thread for "All Academies Speak"

<p>Jamzmom has set up a little "cafe" on the USMMA board for all of us to talk to each other. Since we have many issues in common across the academies, it is nice to talk with others who have experienced this process and who are going through the same thing.</p>

<p>Join us!</p>

<p>As a follow up to Jamzmom's request, I sent another note to the Administrator for our own parents' cafe/forum. Not sure if we'll get it, but it would probably be nice to let USMMA candidates have their own board back.</p>


<p>It's very nice that so many are posting on the USMMA site, we need the publicity!!
It really is a GREAT Academy</p>


<p>I know it is and it provides some wonderful educational and career opportunities for its students. I'm looking forward to visiting on one of my future trips to WP. And I'm also looking forward to visiting Annapolis in the near future - but in the summer when the air conditioning is on.</p>