Going to a private high school or public?

I Will be an 8th grader in the fall of 2016 and I AM debating wether should I Apply for a private high school or go to a local one instead. Will it affect me going private to Apply for scholarships? Im looking at brophy college prep in Phoenix. I got a perfect score in math for the azmerit and am hopeful things will get better from this point.
Any suggestions, please help!!!

I would save your money for when it counts in college but that’s just from my experiences where the public school I go to is top in the state and less than 1000 people. I would ask for a class list and see how many AP/IB opportunities there are at each school then go from there. The private school is probably better but is it that much better to spend the money?

Thanks for replying. This is what’s more difficult. They offer full paid tuition to undeserved students like me. But I still need to take some tests and pass prior to attending and filling out a long application. I will definitely do what you said. I will begin doing my work. I’m more into sports and really don’t want to miss out on financial opportunities. At this point I want to be a sport physician, but I’m really aiming high!!! Even with wanting to be the cardinals doc!!! I know this is crazy! It’s worth to dream. Again thanks

I bet you are underserved but not undeserved.

You should attend some open houses this fall or early winter to learn more about your school choices. But you are right that the application process might be fairly involved for some private schools and they might not offer the aid you need.

My mistake on the spelling!
Appreciate your advice. The open house is in my plans.