Going to Prom single?

<p>Hey what does everyone think of going to prom single? I know it's a bit early to be considering it because our prom is in april, but i really want to go to prom this year. I love school dances (and i kind of want to make up for not going to Turnabout by going to prom instead, kind of like my way of "saving up" for prom).
The only reason i'm thinking of going single is because i seriously doubt i'll be asked. it's not that i'm like really gross-looking and boys hate me but it's because i don't really talk to the guys at my school or flirt with them or anything. I've always found them kind of unappealing, but i've had relationships & such outside of school.
I'm pretty sure i can gather up a small group of single people.
I'll save more money by not buying a new dress, i'll just wear the dress i wore to homecoming.</p>

<p>So basically I have it all planned out. But is it considered weird to go to prom single?
Anyone who's done this, how was it?</p>

<p>At my school I dont know of anyone ever doing this</p>

<p>I’ve gone to prom single 2/3 times. It’s so much better.</p>

<p>Except my school is weird and doesn’t really have social pressures to conform to. About 40% go single anyway.</p>

<p>stop rationalizing</p>

<p>maybe if you weren’t so ugly you could get a date</p>

<p>uhh i’m really not ugly.
im very critical of myself & even i dont think im ugly so…</p>

<p>ya idk i think i have some friends that might go single…</p>

<p>maybe if you had some self-esteem guys wouldn’t avoid you like the plague</p>

<p>Go and have fun. Attitude is everything. You don’t HAVE to have a date.</p>

<p>okay what is ur problem?</p>

<p>is your screenname a reference to the female anatomy</p>

<p>maybe you should just take a girl to prom</p>


<p>poseur dont be jealous because on homecoming night you always came home.<br>
but in all honesty nobody at my school goes to prom single, ppl might look at u funny</p>

<p>S T F U Poseur. I hate you. Thanks for hurting my feelings.</p>

<p>you have feelings? ew
Feelings are gay like women.</p>


<p>anyways, u won’t be going to prom single. you’ll be with a group of friends. sounds fine to me :)</p>

<p>The weirdness of it kind of depends on your school. Lots of people went to prom single at my school last year, but it sounds like some people on here have schools that are different. All the people that I know who went in groups last year had a lot of fun, so I recommend going if it’s something you want to do.</p>

<p>okay thanks to the last few people who replied.
tons of people at my school go to dances in groups and dance with each other…</p>

<p>also, wat are half the people’s problems on here? seriouslyy get over yourselves.</p>

<p>*oh and an update to my question: I LIKE GUYS. okay thanks. and by the guys being unappealing thing, i meant that there are no decent SINGLE guys.</p>

<p>poseur–have you even HAD a date to anything?</p>

<p>i think it’s totally fine. from what u wrote, i can tell that im very similar to you and i went and it was awesome!</p>

<p>wow guys, take the internet more seriouslyyy</p>

<p>I think there is NOTHING wrong with going to prom single; so many girls at my school do that! Go with a group of friends…thats what i’m doing and I couldn’t be more excited!!</p>

<p>poseur, YOU take the internet more seriously…</p>

<p>people are trying to ask serious questions and you’re just insulting them.</p>

<p>i will abort your unborn children</p>