im currently a soph and taking chem now..im doing very well with close to an A+,..i was pondering if i should take AP chem or not..</p>
<p>the only thing im not sure about is whether i can handle it or not..here is my scenario:</p>
<p>im a good, hard working student, but by no means a natural genius..i have to earn my grades, ask a lot of questions and need to work really hard to keep up with the AP flow..</p>
<p>basically, is AP Chem strictly for geniuses, or will hard work get me thru?
<p>i took AP chem when i was a soph....2 years of chem my soph year.....ehhh didn't really try....got a 3 on it.......most people in that class got 2s.......only do it if u wanna be pre med or eng major even if its just for practice and not nescarily credit</p>
<p>I took AP Chem my sophomore year. Although it is a very rigorous course, I think that hard work can get you through it with some very good grades. Of course, depending on how smart you are, you'll need different levels of hard work.</p>
<p>At my school we take after honors chem so we really get into a lot of stuff that isn't on the AP such as Crystal Field Theory (great for colors and magnetism and helps on the AP for colors). So we do all sorts good stuff and everyone pretty much gets 4 and 5s.</p>
<p>In my school it's really easy and my teacher was so good that even though we didn't do anything in Honors, I was only missing 5-10 out of 75 on practice APs</p>