<p>My D and I will be in the Granville area on Sunday. Wanted some recommendations on places to eat close to campus. I think kids are coming back to school that day? D has toured campus, interviewed, but we just want another unofficial look around. Would love some recommendations on lunch eating places!</p>
<p>My fave is Brew’s. Terrific grill food. Pizza’s fab, burgers big & juicy, lots of locals. Cannot go wrong here, and even when there’s a line, it moves quickly …altho more quickly when the days are fall-warmish, the sun’s shining on the 4 lovely churches and the sidewalk boutiques, and you’re out on one of those benches watching it all. </p>
<p>Victoria’s ok, service chronically slow when we’ve been. Someone told me the Greek place isn’t bad. </p>
<p>But WHEREVER you eat lunch, top it off @ Whit’s. Unbelievable custard concoctions! Granville and Buxton inns if you’re looking for a little more upscale.</p>
<p>Thank you Whistle Pig! Have you heard of Aladdins? Someone recommended it and said they had a fabulous layer cake there. Whits sounds great. Definitely need to plan on dessert.</p>
<p>I have to agree with WP. Brews and Whits are both good. We’ve eaten at both Buxton and Granville inns and, I’m sorry to say, I don’t remember which one we liked. One was good and one was average at best. We ate in Aladdins but it’s known more for breakfast (think diner type food).</p>
<p>I’ll add Broadway Pub to the list. We love getting a table in the window and doing some great people watching ! It’s only a block or so from “the hill”- can’t miss it . It’s right on the way to Whit’s !</p>
<p>Thank you for the great recommendations!</p>
<p>unfortunately, Whit’s is closed at this time of year</p>
<p>cn …as if long, cold Januaries aren’t sufficiently depressing! Spring …and Whit’s …come soon!</p>
<p>I know it’s too late but our favorite, never miss choice, for dinner is Delmar, right around the corner from Whit’s. Great food ranging from pizza to steaks, with a good vibe from the bar to the fireplace to booth seating. We love Brews, too – the classic pub experience. Granville Inn served some of the best steaks we’ve had. If Whit’s is closed, check out the fabulous real gelato (Italian style ice cream) at Victoria’s. We love Granville dining!</p>
<p>We ended up eating at Victoria’s. Brews wasn’t open until noon, Aladdin’s was packed, so we went to Victoria’s. Liked it a lot. Yanked and yanked on the Whit’s door but it wouldn’t open! Darnit! Now I have to go back.</p>
<p>Many of DU parents would agree that it’s an excellent justification for a return trip!</p>
<p>Most definitely. I’d speculate that until students become alumni…Granville is a more desirable college town for their parents than themselves. The hill’s too steep a climb following a few @ Brew’s. Or a trek to see what a townie really looks like.</p>
<p>Our son seems to hit up Brews the most in GranVegas, but there are frequent trips to Chipotle and Buffalo Wild WIngs in nearby Heath (10 min), as well as group evenings in Easton at the very nice shopping center (PF Chang’s, Cheesecake Factory, etc) (30 min). I’m told it’s important that the girls touring DU get told about Easton ;)</p>
<p>We love easton and spent several hours there after eating. We are originally from Columbus and go to Easton frequently, but I have never been to Polaris. That one is next on my list.</p>
<p>Word of caution …for those traveling the Granville - Heath/Newark corridor and streets …slow down, run no red lights, or SMILE as you run that light or get thru it in excess speed! They’ve installed cameras …and they ain’t to take your foto for the Denison yearbook.
<p>Good to know WP. I usually go slowly anyway since I don’t know where I’m going…</p>
<p>The alert is going out to our son now! Thanks for the heads up. Someone cannot afford ANY more tickets…</p>
<p>Lucky me…I got one just shortly before they voted them out! I was visiting my son for the Big Red Weekend and stayed at the El Cheapo Inn, aka America’s Best Value in Heath. Well, when you add in the $100 ticket the value is not the best anymore.
I googled them because I wasn’t sure about their legitimacy, (the tickets, that is) That search opened up a really strange brew of chatboards btw, but, found out that the town of Heath voted them out in November. It seems they were losing business big time because of them.
I was driving my son’s car because I flew in. I paid up…I had visions of them impounding his car because of my crime. :)</p>
<p>HeyNev, misery loves company. Cmon over for tea and scones! Or at least a brew and some cheese curls … :eek: :D</p>
<p>Story of my life …and this is a new twist to a day late, dollar short, etc.</p>
<p>…2 months before they pull the plug on those crazy cams. Any word of refunds???
<p>Chalk it up to more college expenses. $100 is just a drop in that big leaky bucket!</p>