Good Pre-Med Schools

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^What state is your residency?</p>

<p>miamiDAP, will you still be applying for other med schools?
i just feel like the med programs require all the same thing as a normal premed has to do</p>

<p>Most likely, yes.
When you are in a combined program, requirements for you to retain your spot are usually lower compare to the people who apply to this particular med. school outside of program. In addition, some programs do not require MCAT. You also get more attention, guidenance and opportunities. Another benefit is interview experience at med. school. Other than that, unless the program accelerated, there is no difference.</p>

<p>Conerning a pre-med education which of the preordained colleges would be the best in terms of advancing into a medical school? </p>

<p>Since I'm fairly new with College Confidential, I was wondering how one would post a thread?</p>

<p>I've been told that there is supposed to be a "New Threads" link, but I haven't located it.</p>

<p>If you go back to the pre-med topics, to the left side above where all of the threads are listed is the New Threads button.</p>

<p>Concerning your question about Brown vs. Penn, you should read the sticky threads at the top of this forum, after which you will no longer need to ask that question.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>I have a question and didn't know where to put it.. I hope this is the right stop.. what would be good colleges in which you don't major pre-med but have good programs for medical school?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

what would be good colleges in which you don't major pre-med but have good programs for medical school?


<p>There are almost no colleges where you can major in pre-med. I suggest you avoid anything called "pre-med major."</p>

<p>Most accredited 4-year institutions in the US will be sufficient for medical school. What really seems to matter is that you like the school and that they have a reasonably good history of sending undergrads to medical school.</p>

has anyone applied to ..or atleast know anything abt the pre med program at the Weill Cornell Medical College in QATAR? is it as good/reputed as the one in the U.S ??
ANYINFo will do!!:)</p>

<p>Asking it to be "as good as" Cornell is way too high an expectation. That doesn't mean it's not an excellent program -- it sounds like it will be a very good fit for internationals.</p>

<p>HAS any body applied to the WEILL CORNELL (QATAR) PRE MED PROG ???</p>

<p>Anyone here looking towards VET school? I have done tons of research on each school to choose the best place for me but want a few more opinions. i have lived in Texas my whole life almost, and i know that A&M is probably the best vet school in the country... i just am so over texas. i want to go somewhere new and experience new surroundings. </p>

<p>anyone know anything about this!!?? </p>


<p>that would be the reason why I would go to Cornell ^^ hot teachers and hot TAs and hot student advisors</p>

<p>People, what would you have to say about Univ of Minnesota? I have an offer from them and am thinking of doing pre-med over there. Plus, in general, how well would you rate the university in Biology related fields,especially Neuroscience?</p>

<p>can anyone compare tufts, nyu, and carnegie mellon pre-med?</p>

<p>can anyone compare cornell, darmouth, and northwestern, duke, and JHU premed? How would you rank them (in your own opinion)?</p>

<p>Duke wins. All else is inferior.</p>

<p>EDIT: I should probably not say that. People might take it literally.</p>

<p>Duke is nothing when compared against the academic might of the University of Phoenix. The experts all agree - UOP is by far the best school in the world for pre-med.</p>