<p>Ok so I want to go to a school with a good Ancient History program (I know they're rare) or a good history program where I can concentrate on ancient history. But I also want one with a good law placement program because I want to go on to be a children's rights attorney. </p>
<p>Ok, now for the rest.
I am a white female from Michigan. First generation college and American (mom's from Spain).</p>
<p>SAT: 630 CR, 710 Math, 590 Writing. (650 Math II, 640 Bio M. Taking Literature, World History, and Chemistry in about a week.)
ACT: 29 Comp. (28 E, 31 M, 26 S, 33 R). Retaking in June.</p>
<p>Grades: A bit complicated. I'm either going to have a 3.58 UW, 3.75 W GPA. OR a 3.66 UW, 3.8 W. </p>
<p>This is because I did bad in my first semester of my junior year. I had a major bout with depression and anxiety (long story about why it happened but it also really screwed up my physical health and sent me to the hospital repeatedly) and it really screwed up my grades. I retook calculus at a local community college and so far have an A in the class. My school is on the rocks right now about whether they will give me that grade or just get rid of the D+ I received first semester. So yeah...</p>
<p>Really good ECs. Well over 450 hours of community service, started an all girls non profit basketball league near Detroit, president of the Animal Rights Club, and am in NHS and Thespians. </p>
<p>Thanks so much :).</p>
<p>U of Michigan for in-state tuition would be a great deal, but I don't know if they have an Ancient History concentration. Michigan State would be okay too since you'd be getting in-state tuition.</p>
<p>Thanks. I know state has ancient civilizations, and I honestly don't think I can get into U of M lol.</p>
<p>Michigan has sub-concentrations in Ancient History and Classics. </p>
<p>Classical</a> Studies @ Michigan</p>
<p>Department</a> of History - University of Michigan</p>
<p>Both of those departments are ranked around the top 5 nationally.</p>
<p>As for your chances, it really depends on whether your unweighed GPA works out to 3.7 or 3.5. Your SAT is fine, but your GPA needs to be in the 3.7 range. </p>
<p>Michigan would be a reach, but you should still apply. Be sure yo apply as early as possible, before October 1.</p>
<p>Two other schools with excellent History departments are Indiana University-Bloomington and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.</p>
<p>Alright thanks =].</p>
<p>Just to clarify what I said before, I think if you can't get into Michigan, it's not really worth the money to go OOS.</p>
<p>With your statistical background, I'd say you are a good match for U Michigan.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.58 (maybe 3.66)
64% of U Michigan students had a 3.75 or better
25% had a 3.5-3.75
5% had a 3.25-3.5
4% had a 3.00-3.25
2% were less than 3.0</p>
<p>SAT: 630 CR, 710 M
U Michigan students had 25/75 SAT range of
CR 590-690
M 630-730</p>
<p>ACT: 29
U Michigan students had 25/75 ACT range of 27-31 with 43% scoring 30 or better</p>
<p>You're slightly above the average on SAT, right on the average for ACT and slightly below the average on the GPA (but have some plausible and important issues to explain this). Plus you're first generation which is considered "Important" by U Michigan.</p>
<p>Don't worry about the law thing--there's no such thing as a school that's "good for pre-law." If you want to go to law school, your best option is wherever you can get the highest GPA.</p>
<p>The highest GPA? I shouldn't worry about the prestige of the school? (Sorry, neither parents went to college and my counselor is no help so I'm a little bit lost.)</p>
<p>Please understand your undergrad has no bearing on you law school prospects . It is all undergrad GPA and LSAT. Go somewhere where you can save money, and get a very high GPA. It is a number game.</p>
<p>Oh, ok. Haha I honestly didn't know that. Thanks so much =].</p>
<p>Eldercookies, it is not that black and white. Yes, GPA and LSAT scores are very important. However, the quality (not prestige) of the undergraduate institution matters too. One does not have to attend a top 10 or top 20 or even top 30 university, but attending a well recognized university such as Syracuse or the University of Florida or Indiana University etc... helps.</p>
<p>^^ So what would your recommendations be for me? Would Michigan State be an ok school because that's probably where I'm going to end up going, primarily due to financial concerns.</p>
<p>MSU would be great. Any unversity in the Big 10 would be more than fine. As Eldercookie points out, Law school is EXPENSIVE. Save as much money as you can in college. If MSU provides you with an affordable option, take it and run! MSU is one of the top universities in the US. Check out their Political Science Honors program. It is excellent and you have the grades/scores to get in.</p>
<p>Alright thanks so very much =].</p>
<p>Alexandre please provide evidence to support this. The only schools that the evidence on Law School Numbers, and other (biased I admit) sources seems to point to only HYP, Amherst, Swarthmore, and Williams getting a boost. Even then it only makes up for a mediocre GPA. 3.9 and 173 LSAT from Podunk U> 170 and 3.7 from HYSPM.</p>
<p>ElderCookies, I agree with you for the most part. I just don't think it is that black and white. Law schools are not as "prestige" driven as MBA programs, but they are not quite as data driven as Medical programs. I could be wrong of course. At any rate, I was not referring to top universities. Attending any respected university (such as MSU) would be more than sifficient.</p>
<p>LOL. Hawkette thinks, "you are a good match for Michigan." The ONLY reason she states that is because she thinks Michigan accepts, in her opinion, marginal candidates. In all honesty, with your GPA, Michigan is a reach for you. This is not to say that you cannot or won't be admitted. Apply early or go to State, where i am certain you would be a match. Don't bother with OOS tuition.</p>
I would agree that the OP is not a lock to get in at U Michigan, but are you letting your prior disagreements with me color your judgment or do you really think that romanigypyeyes is a “marginal applicant?”</p>
<p>The facts are that 36% of last year’s class had a GPA at her level or lower and she had some individual circumstances that negatively impacted her GPA. In addition, she performed at the 50% or better level for standardized testing. Finally, she is a first-gen applicant which gets a boost at U Michigan. Based on this, I would describe her as a match.</p>
<p>Hawkette, Michigan places much more weight on the GPA. The OP's standardized test scores are roughly average by Michigan standards, but her GPA is slightly lower. As such, I think Michigan is a slight reach. Were she applying 4 years ago, when Michigan's admit rate was over 50%, I would agree that Michigan could have been a match. But as it stands, with Michigan's acceptance rate hovering around 40% and dropping, more and more students with her credentials are getting turned down. </p>
<p>I still think she has a decent shot of getting into Michigan, but Michigan is more of a reach than a match.</p>