Good schools for History and Pre-law?

<p>fa-la-la-lena, would it be to my disadvantage to go to the Residential School of Arts and Humanities? That's the school I was leaning towards because the World History and Ethics cornerstones really drew me in.</p>

<p>And thank you Neonzeus. I do think I can do my best at MSU. It might be slightly "less prestigeous" than places like U of Mich, but like I have said before, I didn't really fit in there and you need to be able to fit in, you know?</p>

<p>Sorry to bump an old thread, but it was better than making a new one and I still have the same question =].</p>


<p>I raised my ACT to a 33! (Not sure how, because I didn't prepare lol.)</p>

<p>I ended up with a GPA of 3.56 UW, 3.72 W.
Same thing with my calc grade, I am still not sure if the new college grade figures in. If it doesn't then that is what my GPA is.</p>

<p>If this new ACT score gives me a few more options please tell me =]. Thanks again all!</p>

<p>congrats on your score increase! Well, I don't have much for suggestions, but just now know that your 33 ACT qualifies you for a bunch of scholarships at MSU including the professorial assistantship! haha. Oh and yeah, when thinking about it RCAH definitely seems more suited to your tastes. I'd go with that; and you can always double major in something politically minded if you want later on.</p>

<p>For a reach, I'd try for Northwestern University in IL. From what I have read, they have an excellent history program (top 10 perhaps?) and might be a good fit for you</p>

<p>Other good schools for history that might be of interest to you... University of Washington, Ohio University, and university of virginia (almost any school would be good for pre-law, as there is not one specific major that is necessary or recommended when applying for law school). There are some LAC's that also have good history programs, but I don't know if you are interested in those.
(sorry, don't know about ancient history specifically. When looking up stuff, the only good universities for ancient history in particular that I could come up with would be colleges in Europe).</p>

<p>^ Yes, yes. LACs interest me more than universities, it's just that I was going to have trouble paying for a lot of them, but it's less of a concern now. Thanks for the congrats =]. I literally started jumping for joy when I saw lol.</p>

<p>As for ancient history, I am content to do History and take a LOT of courses from the ancient/classical world lol.</p>

<p>A couple in minnesota seem to have good history programs, Carleton and Macalester. Oberlin in ohio also might be a school to look at. Is there any region in particular or preferences of location in the schools you are looking at?</p>

<p>^ Not particularly. The only places I would prefer not to go is deep south, like Mississippi, Lousiana, Florida, those kind of places. I don't really like the humidity down there lol. </p>

<p>However I would prefer smaller schools, or large schools with smaller programs like JMC or RCAH at Michigan State. </p>

<p>Also, living costs are a major concern for me. I have a good deal of support with tuition and such, but the everyday things are going to be completely on me.</p>