Got into my Preferred School at Madison but don’t like my preferred major?

Hi! I was admitted to the madison college of engineering but chose mechanical engineering as an afterthought on my commonapp, which I now know is not a field I would like to pursue. Is the preferred major something that decides your classes freshman year? Or does everyone take similar classes than decide later? Also, what are my options for switching right away if it is relatively committing? Thanks!

Your intended major does influence your first year classes, especially for STEM fields since they have multiple semester sequences to follow that are needed for advanced classes. You will decide your first semester classes at SOAR with an advisor’s help. The importance of choosing a major now is getting an advisor related to your proposed major. You can change majors at any time. Anyone planning an engineering major will likely have math and science classes plus an intro to eng course first semester, with courses to fulfill breadth requirements rounding out the list. It is easy to change majors- do it. If another engineering major appeals more to you then make the switch to another one. If you are unsure of engineering of any kind you might want to keep your direct admit to Engineering until you decide otherwise. You still will take mainly L&S classes regardless of which STEM major you choose.

There is absolutely no way the 6000 some new freshmen will take the same courses. You may run into some of the same people in multiple classes- those needing the same prerequisites for a similar major. But- there are several options for intro level math, chemistry and physics classes based on interest and background. Plus getting open sections that fit a schedule. UW has no specific courses required by all students. The closest it comes is to require a 3 credit ethnic studies course, which can be taken any semester and there are several choices.

I think he was asking if a civil engineer takes the same intro classes as a mechE, not if an engineer takes the same first year classes as a theater major.

Look at this:
There are progression requirements for engineering students. Some majors have different progression requirements, you’ll want to follow the requirements for the major you want. Also, some majors are more competitive, therefore have higher gpa requirements, again look at the requirements for the major you want. There will be students that do not meet the progression requirements for their major during their first year, so there will be movement and the opportunity to switch, again as long as you meet the progression requirements for the major you want. Make sure to discuss with an advisor during SOAR.

Another parent/recent alum may know more specifically, but UW has only recently started increasing the number of direct admits to Engineering and Business, and I believe that students still need to apply and be admitted to specific majors within Engineering. So, being admitted to the College of Engineering (congrats!), means your advising at SOAR (summer orientation and registration) will focus on engineering majors and pre-requisites for various majors within that College. Bottom line, I don’t believe that UW admits freshman into specific College of Engineering majors so you are fine.

Engineering is pretty much 100% direct admit now. If students leave the college, or don’t meet the progression requirements, then there are limited numbers of opportunities for students not directly admitted to apply to transfer to engineering. Students are both directly admitted to a major in engineering and admitted as undecided engineering students. Every first year student must take action during their second semester to declare their major. As I mentioned in my previous post, there are progression requirements for first year students, and they are not the same for each major. There are also capacities for each major, therefore some majors have higher gpa requirements, for example not every student that wants to be a chemical engineering major will be admitted to the major because it’s a high demand major and they only have so many spots.

@oboemom65 Are Engineering direct admits specifically into a particular major, or the College generally, with direct application to specific majors?

@Midwestmomofboys boys both, they admit to majors and undecided.Some majors in CoE have limited spots, so not every student that wants to can get into those majors. But even students admitted to a major have to successfully complete the progression requirements and officially declare during their second semester. Students have to meet the CORE and overall gpa requirements for the major they wish to declare, the more competitive programs have higher gpg requirements to declare, so some students may have to declare a different major than they intended.

Thank you all so much! Understand this all much better now.

@oboemom65 so if I applied to the CoE with an intended major of MechE and say I want to instead study Computer Emgimeering or Electrical Engineering, what would be the process for switching? Also, was I admitted straight into the MechE major or just generally to the CoE?

This intended major was marked on my common app application by the way.

@2022Engineer Here is the information regarding the first year: