<p>Hey everyone, I'm curious about what UPenn (specifically Wharton ED) cares about when it comes to GPA and SAT scores. How do they calculate GPA (do they add any extra points to honors and AP courses?) and what is an average GPA that they like? And what does Wharton like when in comes to SAT scores in M, CR, and W.</p>
<p>No specific GPA or SAT, but to be competetive you’re definitely looking to have a 4.00 unweighted GPA or as close to it as possible, and your SAT should be in the 2000’s to say the least. Definitely want a great SAT I Math score (750+ probably) and you also want to take the SAT II Math(II) Subject Test if you went Wharton. That should be as close to an 800 as you can get it, obviously. </p>
<p>Keep in mind Wharton is ridiculously competetive… but no high scores are going to guarantee you an edge over someone else. Wharton turns down 2400/36’s ALL the time. The scores legitamize you, but everything else puts you over the top to the admissions committee.</p>