GPA of a 4.0 Weighted, 3.89 Unweighted

<p>I am a junior in high school and i was wondering if a GPA 4.0 Weighted, 3.89 Unweighted would get me into the UCLA Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Dept. I will strive for all A's my rest of my Junior and Senior years. I currently am enrolled in 3 AP Classes my junior year, and did 1 AP class my Sophomore year, and am expecting to do 5 for my senior year. I also am in Cross Country and Speech and Debate. I took the SAT subject test for Chemistry, got a 600 and am planning to retake it for a higher score. I've also done the PSAT's since 8th grade. I am expecting to take the SAT later this year. Thanks</p>

<p>I think you have a chance, but not that great. I have friends who have about the same stats as you and they’ve gotten into UC Davis, San Diego, etc, but not UCLA</p>

<p>58.3 % </p>

<p>Anyone else want an arbitrary assessment of their chances?</p>