<p>I attend Providence College and am possibly looking to transfer to a more prestigious school for obv reasons.</p>
<p>okay so heres the question..will colleges look at my cumulative gpa or gpa in related subjects more... At Providence there is a required 5 credit class that you must take freshman and sophomore year called Western Civ..im afraid I'm only going to get in the 3-3.3 range for that class which will bring down my gpa..im fairly confident i should get 3.8+ in my other 3 classes (Calc, macro, and fin acc)... Will colleges realize that I'm excelling in the class that are related to what I want to transfer into?</p>
<p>also while we are at it... some school suggestions/ chances please looking to major in finance/econ depending on what the potential school offers</p>
HS gpa 3.4 (upward trend)
SAT 730M 530V(i know) 620W (retake? I'm confident i could get 800M 700W but am still shaky about V)
College GPA: not sure yet..but cum will be around 3.5-3.6 due to the 5 credit course bringing it down..but excluding that class im banking on 3.8-4</p>
<p>schools of interest: basically straight prestige rankings lol but a few that interest me include gtown, nd, cornell, penn, nw..all reaches I know but theres no point in transferring to anything close to what im at now cuz i'm actually happy here I just fear that it may limit my options after college due its lack of prestige..thanks in advance for replies</p>