GPA? Weighted? Is it the avg of soph/junior yr?

<p>Okay, So i'm here reading all these gpa's (3.8,3.7,3.9), and I'm just curious. Are people who are posting their gpa's posting their average of soph + junior year? All 4 years? 3 years? The gpa people are posting have to do with their soph/junior year right?</p>

<p>If so another question.</p>

<p>So, i understand that there is a uc gpa calculator, and I've tried that. </p>

<p>But question is: since my freshman year i have been taking all honors & few aps. In the UC gpa calculator, at the bottom it states "honors courses." I understand that 8 semesters of honors/ap credit are given. I've researched my school and their approved courses.</p>

<p>Out of all the approved honors i have already taken:</p>

<p>English 3 H
French 4 H
Ap World history
Ap Bio
Ap Us.</p>

<p>So. If i only want to calculate 8 sem, and i have already taken those course with a passing grade do i just add '8' points? </p>

<p>This is the part that i get confused at. alksjdf</p>

<p>anyone? this is the one process that leaves me rather confused…</p>

<p>People typically post their cumulative GPA which at most schools is freshman to wherever they are now in school. About the UC GPA, I don’t know, sorry.</p>

<p>For UC GPA each H/AP is a 5 instead of a 4. Max is 8 5’s because of the UC cap on 4 AP’s in two semesters:</p>

<p>suppose you have 3 ap’s and 2 reg classes; in the 3 APs you get all A’s and 2 B’s in the reg classes…it would be calculated as followed</p>

<p>5+5+5+3+3 / 5 </p>

<p>A = 4
B = 3</p>

<p>AP A = 5</p>

<p>For UC GPA do not count PE classes/freshman gpa.</p>

<p>ah. thanks!</p>

<p>Is 3.82 uc gpa… okay? Or is it just normal?</p>

<p>3.82 UC GPA is a fantastic gpa. You should apply to cal/ucla</p>