
<p>wat kinda gpa do u need to get in vtech?</p>

<p>it depends on your school and the classes you've taken. i knew someone in high school who was rejected with a 3.5, but she hadn't taken any AP classes. i also knew someone who got into the honors program with a 3.2, but she'd taken 6 ap classes.</p>

<p>so u think 3.7 with 6 ap's can get in? btw, i applied as an international.</p>

<p>Admission to VT does not solely rely on the cumulative value of one's GPA alone. Rather, it is concomitantly dependent on SAT, ECs, and High School course load. Also, the specific program that you’re applying to within VT matters a lot...(Engineering, Architecture, Business....). Within the College of Engineering, the class of ‘09 stats seems to be around a 3.8-3.9 GPA and a 1330-1350 SAT. Again, those figures are NOT from any VT sponsored source, those figures are what I have gathered from talking to Freshmen Engineers. Despite both the College board and Princeton review websites being outdated from last years figures, I KNOW that the average ADMITTED SAT score and GPA for the incoming class of '09 was a 1260 and 3.81 respectively. The University released these figures on the Main page boasting how the ADMITTED SAT jumped nearly 60points overall as the GPA value jumped more than a tenth of a point as well. I emphasize--ADMITTED...</p>

<p>I am currently a Sophomore Engineering student at VT and have never seen anyone admitted to the Honors program with a 3.2 from High School. The aforementioned is actually impossible due to the requirements and guidelines set by the University. "One must either have at least a GPA 3.7 and a SAT of 1400 or a GPA of 3.5 and a SAT of 1300, both with CR scores above 620..." to even be considered for the Honors program out of High School. However, if one maintains a 3.5 GPA during their studies at Tech, they are able to apply for the Honors Program as a "transfer." </p>

<p>Cavalier… you have no clue what you’re talking about.</p>

<p>I know that this post ambiguously addresses your "minimum GPA" post...but the point that I’m trying to make is that it relies on a number of factors...not just a "minimum GPA." I guess I could better help to answer your question if you told me your SAT (actual or projected).</p>

<p>Hopefully I can help. </p>


<p>I have no idea what I'm talking about? HAH! I went to an instate school that sends 30+ people per year to VT, many of whom I knew fairly well. VT, along with JMU, is the second choice school for those aiming at places like W&M, UVA, and other top 25ish universities. Don't kid yourself - VT does not steal very many cross-admits from these schools. The Virginia Tech website lists the average SAT of ENTERING engineering students as 1256, which isn't far off from the number you mentioned as being the average for admitted students. You should also know that SAT scores of enrolling students are ALWAYS lower than SAT scores of admitted students. It's like this at every school, ESPECIALLY schools like VT, which are SAFETIES for students applying to top schools. Think about all the NoVa kids with their 1450's who sent apps to VT after they finished their apps to Duke, UVA, JHU, Cornell, etc. You can't make statements about an entire population based on the limited sample you've come into contact with. That represents a huge logical fallacy and poor sampling. Also, what are these GPA's you're tossing around here? Weighted or unweighted? Weighted GPA's have no value when there's discussion of students from different schools, since the purpose of the weighted GPA is to rank students within one school, and schools apply weights differently. At my school, one could have a 3.8 weighted GPA and be nowhere near the top 10%. Unweighted GPA's, too, aren't particularly relevant, since the grading at various schools can be different. The better measure, in this case, would be to look at the percentage of VT students who come from the top 10% of their class, which is in the 36% range. I'll grant that the engineering school is probably a bit more competitive, so there are probably a few more from the top 10%, but it's likely not over 50%. </p>

<p>Oh, I should cite my source for the SAT average: </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Sanded, good luck in applying to schools. I'm sure you'll get in somewhere fine.</p>

<p>VTengineer, enjoy VPI.</p>


<p>mochalatte, I missed your post. Yes, I think you stand a good chance. What's your SAT score?</p>


<p>If you want to count admitted students, why not count me?</p>

<p>I applied to VT as my SAFETY SCHOOL -- WOULD NEVER ATTEND.</p>

<p>applied to DUKE early decision.
was accepted</p>

<p>WITHDREW my VT application in January</p>

<p>RECEIVED an acceptance package in April</p>

<p>I'm sure that i wasnt the only one VT did this to. they just tried to boost their mediocre statistics...</p>

<p>I goto a real university and defend my school online as such. we have a 25th percentile (1420) that is obviously above VTs 75th percentile for enrolled students. We dont have make ridiculous claims in message boards about our scores, ours are real. we dont have pathetic online courses like my VT friends have, and we actually have classes with under 20 people in them. perhaps you should take a dose of "reality" next time before you make such claims about Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (lol)</p>

<p>vt is a good school. i don't know why people on here think that if a school has an acceptance rate of more than 10% it is a bad school. get over yourself. numbers are not everything.</p>

<p>wow...I was just trying to be informative...not malicious or deceptive at all. </p>

<p>Very smart people, especially engineers, go to VT. Many of the Engineers that Ive met at VT were accepted to Georgia Tech as well but decided to go to VT because of either the campus/environment or insufficient funds.</p>

<p>A 3.7 GPA is around the average.. Score a 1200(old) or a 1800(new) on the SAT and you should be fine. If youre planning on studying Architecture or Engineering at VT shoot for a 1300(old) or around a 2000(new).</p>


<p>what about interior design? i don't have a 2000 new, but a 1310</p>

my SAT is 1800-new.. never took the old one.
I want to retake the test but not sure how late they'll accept the scores. Also I am taking SAT2 math for other schools. Should I send the scores to Vtech? (projected score around 750 and above)</p>

<p>Oh, btw, I wrote psychology as my intended major but emailed them to change it to university studies.</p>

<p>mochalatte, you'll be pretty competitive for Va Tech. Go ahead and send any new scores if they're higher and you think they'll improve your chances.</p>

<p>if you are really good at a sport, preferably Football, you have a very good chance of getting in.</p>

<p>even if you are a criminal</p>

<p>wannago, from my experience this year applying to VTs Engineering program they don't accept the new writing section yet. Interior Design is, from what the admissions people told me, one of if not the hardest majors to get into at VT, but that score will make you very competitive if you have the GPA and extracurriculars to back it up.</p>