my School doesn’t have an A+ section and I heard that some colleges recalculate gpa with an a+ as a 4.3. I’ve received a couple grades that should be counted as a+s but are counted as an a since my schools grading scale marks a 93-100 as an a not an a+. Would this hurt my chances of getting into a top college or would it be worth fighting with my counsler to allow a+s

Your school will send their school report and profile with your transcript so colleges will see your grading scale. Many many high schools have grading scales without A+s. Don’t worry about this.

Schools that you apply to will see your actual grades, and will also find out what your school’s policies are. Admissions staff is well aware that different high school have very different policies in terms of what is called an A+ versus an A versus an A-, and also in terms of how they compute GPA.

This should not be a problem for you, and should not make a difference in terms of your chances to attend a highly ranked university. Please do remember however that the highest ranked universities are reaches for pretty much any student.


It’s a battle you’ll never win.

More often, if they do recalculate, and few do, they would recalc as a 4.0,particular if A+ does not exist on the college’s grading scale.