Grad School

<p>I really love Colorado College, but I also really want to go East for Grad school (not law or med, PhD program). Does CC have a good reputation among grad schools, or would the geographic distance make it really, really hard for me to get into grad school or get a job in the east? And how many CC grads attend grad school? Where do they usually go?</p>

<p>im quite interested in this too. my goal is definitely to go to grad school and get either an MD or MBA. Can anyone give any insight as to how reputable CC is to the top grad schools in the nation?</p>

<p>Here is at least some information about admission to graduate schools off the Colorado College website:</p>



<p>There is a department at CC that is specifically charged with assisting CC students with the graduate school search and decisions. Why don’t you search the CC website, get the number and call them and ask these questions. I assume they have the data.</p>

<p>Seriously…the only thing that would stop you rom getting into a good grad school would be your own performance at CC. It si one of the top 25 LAC’s in the country…as for geographic distance in terms of the east…are you serious? I could see if you were asking the question about another country but I do not think there is any distinction these days about the distance between schools…People west of the Mississippi still go East these days.</p>