Grade my essay???

I felt that this question was on the difficult side.</p>

<p>Do rules and limitations contribute to a person’s happiness?</p>

<p>Under the governing of rules and limitations we feel an oppression, often subconsciously, that detracts from our overall happiness. Rules and limitations contain the width of what we can do. These rules and limitations include social norms, workplace uniform as well as overall behavior.
In recent years, a study had been conducted regarding the overall happiness of people. It was found that inhabitants of remote villages in the Himalayas lived the happiest lifestyle. Although many factors contribute to such a phenomenon, a lack of rules and limitations is an undeniable reason. This can be clearly seen through the myriad of clothes that they wore, seemingly lacking any similarities, and generally through their lifestyles, some woke up at 7 in the morning while others dozed until noon. Without constraints, they were free to do whatever they wished, a situation that coincided with their overall high happiness levels. In modern society, there is a strong stereotype that people must conform to, a problem that increases stress and decreases happiness.
The hunger games is a best-selling novel published in recent years revolving around the dissent of the oppressed in the hunger games’ dystopian world. Men wake up in the morning and mine till the night. Women did chores at home, trying desperately to earn a meager income to help support the family. The boundaries of each of the 12 districts are surrounded with an electrical fence. The freedom of the people is literally being limited. Resent builds up simultaneously in all districts after the event of the death of a pre-teen child, leading to an all-out revolt sparking an overturning in power. Rules and limitations are abolished, and the people rejoice in the aftermath of seizing power from the tyrants. It is exactly the rules and limitations that crippled the people in the hunger games. It is the same rules and limitations that stole the freedom of the people. And it is the same rules and limitations that were removed and resulted in a much happier society.
Rules and limitations oppress our actions, and instead of contributing to our overall happiness, they take away from our overall happiness. Even though they stop us from acting without regard for consequences, the villagers of the Himalayas clearly shows that rules and limitations are needless.</p>