Grades and the UC Rescindment

<p>So, I was wondering about first, and second semester grades and the UC. I know that they do not look at first semester grades when making their decisions, and I also know that UCB and UCLA ( my top schools ) want you to have a 3.0 UW GPA, but I was wondering if they care about certain grades.</p>

<p>For example, if I receive a C in calculus, non-engineering, but still maintain above a 3.0 UW GPA, would Cal or UCLA really care? Would it even matter?</p>

<p>Also, what about second semester? Do those grades even matter, assuming I keep my grades above a 3.0 (assuming I get in) to avoid rescindment?</p>

<p>My grades right now look like this:
AP European History: A (5 pts)
AP Chemistry: B (4 pts)
AP Calculus AB: C (3 pts)
HP Economics: A (4 pts)
AP Literature: A (5 pts)
Symphonic Orchestra: A (4 pts)</p>

<p>So that would be a 4+3+2+4+4+4 = 3.5 UW GPA</p>

<p>Assuming they only care about the GPA overall, I could even get a D in calculus and not get rescinded, correct?</p>

<p>Sorry if this is anywhere else, I couldn’t find it.</p>

<p>You also can't have any D's or F's. and UCLA and UCB have stricter standards</p>

<p>Stop stressing... general rule regarding senioritis: it's totally ok to let up a little and coast, but don't do anything that makes it look like you don't care at all.</p>

<p>Also, I would NOT get any Ds, whether or not they will do anything about it, it just looks bad.</p>

<p>The requirements are 3.0 UW AND all grades must be C or higher. Getting a D in any of your classes will result in a likely rescindence, even if you have an overall decent GPA. Or you ought to have a good excuse for it otherwise.</p>

<p>Judging from your scores right now though, you seem to be doing fine with the above 3.0 requirements. Just don't let your calc grade drop.</p>

<p>@Mercurial, its 3.0 uw only for ucla and ucsd
for the others its 3.0 w</p>

<p>Its almost as simple as this.... If you pull a D or an F, you probably don't deserve to go to a UC in the first place. Its pretty easy to do senioritis and slack with a C.</p>

<p>Not ucsd
Its only 3.0 uw for uc berk &ucla
For ucsd and below its 3.0w</p>

<p>so i currently have an F in calc (after one test), and I definitely dont plan on getting an F in the class. but if worse comes to worst, what will happen if i have an F but a 4.2 gpa?</p>

<p>wow F and still a 4.2
well unless you aren't an engineering major/science/ anything related to math, it shouldn't affect that much but call up the colleges</p>