<p>i think it would be super fun to graduate a quarter early and travel around europe for a bit. my school runs on block scheduling (4 classes per quarter, most core classes run a semester). would this be a dumb idea?</p>
<p>So you get to take like ~12 classes a year?!?</p>
<p>And I agree that that sounds super fun. DO IT. >:]</p>
<p>My thought is that what’s the point? You made it through the first 75% of the year, why miss the end? </p>
<p>Then again, I’m big on traditons and sentiment. lol</p>
<p>the only things id be missing areeee 4 more classes? and prom…which sorta sucks a lot at my school, even still, i think id be allowed to come back and go to prom if i wanted. i really dont enjoy my high school and i think the extra month or two would be really nice to travel around while i still can. i would just need to figure out how much it costs for me to exist on my own for that long…</p>
<p>My school also has a quarter system with 4 classes a quarter (new this year). My friend’s graduating early (at the end of the semester) and he’ll go to a piano school in Italy (where he’s from) for a few months before coming back for college. He’s taking a lot of easy classes this year so that he can get out ASAP, so you may want to keep that in mind if you’re afraid it may affect college admissions.</p>
<p>I think the last quarter of senior year is about the only part I’m actually looking forward to.</p>
<p>the reason id want to do graduate only a quarter early and not a semester is because id have APs and the AP test is at the end of 3rd quarter, plus i know 2 people who have graduated early and gone to top notch art schools, so i dont think they really care.</p>
<p>^ Eww… not graduating earlier for AP tests? I wouldn’t want to graduate early because of the senior year festivities, last memories with high school friends, and of course, the graduation ceremony…</p>
<p>Yes! Do it!</p>
<p>Will you be backpacking across europe or what exactly will you use for transport? Going alone or with whatever friends might also be graduating early?</p>
<p>haha, idk if this would even be possible yet, im in the planning stages. im thinking backpacking/living cheaply. idk if i could get anyone else to graduate early with me, but maybe i can bring some college kids along since they finish much earlier than my school, i dont think my parents would be down with me backpacking alone for a few months… i think im gonna justify this to them by saying its a) a life experience b) you did it, c) high school is the wurstttttt and d) picture time!</p>
<p>that would be fun… DO IT</p>
<p>i have not, but perhaps i will. i see it at every book/movie store i go to</p>
<p>Eh, the book was decent, though the protagonist was an annoying twit. I liked the portions where the spyglass was placed on Krakauer more…</p>
<p>Anywho, do you have much experience with traveling alone? You could draw on that to persuade your parents to let you go, maybe. I myself have a europe-backpacking trip planned out for either the summer after sophomore year or the summer after junior, once I’ve managed to backpack down the PCT and through S/C America and have some experience (and money!) under my belt. This not so much in order to persuade my parents when the time eventually rolls around, but more in order to start out with ever expanding circles so that I have a bit more confidence in being alone in foreign places, haha.</p>
<p>most of my experiences traveling alone have been with cities, but id be going to college soon anyway, so i could pull the growing up card on them. id also be finishing AP french, so it would be a good way to actually learn the language for real and get some practice. my dad grew up in the UK and started hitchhiking when he was 13 and did a lot of rock climbing and ice climbing. he backpacked a lot and had a plan to go to south america, but end up living in mexico for a while, i think hell be a lot easier to convince than my mom.</p>