Greyhound adds more direct UW service

<p>On</a> Campus: Greyhound Express bus stop is moving to UW-Madison's Memorial Union</p>

<p>It will offer direct service to five Midwestern cities: Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, and Lafayette, Ind.</p>

<p>A long overdue move on their part. Will offer competition to the other bus services that have been stopping at the Union.</p>

<p>I do have some concern over all those busses going down a relatively small street with lots of pedestrian traffic. I think it detracts from the peace and beauty of that area. They could move the stop down near University and Park and that would be fine with me. Still convenient but not right in front of the Union.</p>

<p>I agree, Langdon’s a pretty zooey thoroughfare no matter what. I’ve almost been clocked there as a driver and a pedestrian. The problem is that it’s a skinny two-lane, and then you have the Van Galder bus parked there almost at the crosswalk, obscuring everybody’s vision around it. And that tiny horseshoe parking lot is not the answer either. Too bad there’s really no room to build a turnaround.</p>

<p>I would betcha that within 10 years they make Langdon from Park to Lake all-pedestrian. But let me get my kiddo outta there first, so I don’t get socked for it!</p>

<p>That’s awesome. If I end up going to Wisco, then that’s the route I’ll be taking: The Greyhound from O’hare - straight to Madison :)</p>

<p>Are there really $2 roundtrip tickets to any of those cities? Or are there fees?</p>

<p>It’s a city street- local taxes, not UW fees for road improvements. Stopping at the Union gives students a place to stay dry/warm while waiting for a bus. That is NOT a peaceful/quiet area- it is a busy one because of the Memorial Union. For peace et al go a block west on the Lakeshore path…</p>

<p>Not all city streets are suitable for heavy bus traffic. That’s why they have zoning to decide where uses like bus terminals get located and they are not usually on two lane streets with lots of pedestrian traffic. It is nice to be able to wait inside the Union was not built to be a bus terminal. When it was a few O-Hare busses it was OK but when you start running 20 a day that’s a lot and I don’t think the impact is all good. You have air issues from idling busses, visual pollution, and the traffic safety issue as it’s hard to see peds coming out from behind busses to cross the street. I think the issue needs some study.</p>

<p>No problems with visual pollution- not the prettiest viewpoint there. If they can’t let Greyhound stop there they need to stop letting other companies’ busses stop also. Not sure that would be liked by the students. The conveniences may outweigh perceived negatives.</p>

<p>Not the prettiest viewpoint–really/it blocks the view of the union from the library Mall and blocks the view of the library Mall from the Union steps where people hangout on sunny days and come and go all the time. I think those are important views.</p>

<p>Either way, taking a train from the cap. square to Minneapolis or Chgo would’ve been civilized. And, no hours long traffic jam on I-90/94 to boot. But, what do three previous governor’s know.</p>