Let us know when/what you hear. Good luck!
Son got in w/$18k scholarship. Yippee!!!
Congrats! What were your kid’s scores, GPA?
4.0 unweighted, 1550 SAT.
HS has significant grade inflation. Average extracurriculars, pretty good essay.
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I am an international student. I got rejected from Grinnell with a 1540 SAT. Plus I had a good essay and I played national-level soccer in my country… I don’t know why they rejected me… Any inputs guy??
Sorry to hear that. Grinnell is not need blind for international students so that could be part of it. The other reason could be that there were many other international students with similar interests and profile as you.
With your impressive stats, I am sure you will land somewhere good.
Son was accepted last Fri ED1, recruited athlete, he’s excited
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