<p>Is there a grocery delivery service available in Hanover? If so, and you have used it, how was the service? Do they deliver fruit, produce and meat? D is planning on using Amazon for cereal, pasta, and other various dry products, but was wondering about fresh items. </p>
<p>Thanks, GAMOM</p>
<p>I am restraining myself. Seriously.
Where is D planning on cooking this meat and other things? You’ll already be paying through the nose for the “new & improved” dining service plan (end of editorial comments). </p>
<p>Okay. Just have her go to (join) the Hanover Coop ([The</a> Co-op Food Stores of New Hampshire and Vermont](<a href=“http://www.coopfoodstore.coop/]The”>http://www.coopfoodstore.coop/)) at 45 South Park. It’s maybe half a mile from the Green. I doubt they deliver. It’s a nice walk or bike ride, which can help to stave off that infamous freshman 10. If she’s pressed for time or wants to buy more than she can comfortably carry, the Blue Route on the free shuttle ([Advance</a> Transit Home](<a href=“http://www.advancetransit.com/index.htm]Advance”>http://www.advancetransit.com/index.htm)) goes right by it. Cheers.</p>
Thanks for the information on the Co-op. As to where she will be cooking, she is going to be at the med school and living in graduate housing with a kitchen.</p>
<p>Oh, well, now I am embarrassed. Sorry. Abject apologies. Was trying to imagine a 16 trying to cook dinner in Cohen. </p>
<p>But the info’ works, and the Blue line is the same one that goes down to the DHMC (assuming her housing is in that area). And, the Co-op really has decent stuff. This is speaking as a food-persnickety northern Californian.</p>
<p>AboutTheSame, no need for an apology. It was a valid assumption that the question was for an incoming '16, I should have made my post more clear. I have to laugh at what type of parent you thought wanted grocery delivery for an incoming freshman! :)</p>
<p>Her apartment is not near the hospital, but it is only .37 miles from the co-op! Thanks for the link.</p>
<p>Thanks for your good sense of humor. I actually knew a couple of mothers in high school who I could imagine asking that question.</p>