grove city

<p>hey guys! so i applied early decision at Grove City and I'm really excited! I really hope I get in, I LOVE the school! Has anybody else applied?</p>

<p>I’m planning on sending in my early decision app tomorrow!!!</p>

<p>I’m so excited!!! Grove City is absolutely everything I want in a school. </p>

<p>What major are you applying for? I’m applying for Entrepreneurship. Does anyone know if that’s hard to get into? I have 1410/1600 on my SATs and an unweighted GPA of 3.85. I’m interviewing in two weeks.</p>

<p>I’m kind of afraid I won’t get in, but maybe that’s silly…</p>


<p>Oh that’s awesome! Yeah I sent mine in a couple of weeks ago, I guess you could say I’m a bit eager haha.</p>

<p>Yeah I absolutely love everything about Grove City too! I was just there today for the Engineering Open House, so my intended major is Electrical Engineering. Walking around the campus today was so amazing!</p>

<p>Oh that’s cool, yeah the interview is great. Mine went pretty well, so I’m sure yours will go well too. Wow, those are great grades and scores, I’m sure you have a great shot at getting in!</p>

<p>Yeah my unweighted GPA is actually the exact same, 3.85.</p>

<p>My ACT is 32, and I got a 1340 on SAT, not as high but I think that’s fairly well compared to Grove City’s scores.</p>

<p>I really hope I get in too!! Haha I’m pretty nervous about getting in too</p>

<p>Yeah…I wish I had been earlier with my app! Electrical Engineering is cool, and I hear the college has a great program! One of my friends was actually out there today too…</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear your interview went well! I’m excited about mine!</p>

<p>We have pretty similar scores, which is neat! We’re both above their averages, so provided they like our interviews, I think we have a very good shot at acceptance.</p>

<p>Oh that’s great! Good luck with your interview and let me know how it goes!</p>

<p>I hope we both get in!! I’ll let you know as soon as I find out! Best of luck!</p>

<p>Yeah…I’ll definitely post on here if I’m accepted! </p>

<p>I was also wondering, what did you wear for your interview? I’m planning on wearing business casual, but was curious what others have done.</p>

<p>Good luck with everything!</p>

<p>For the interview, I wore a button down dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. So I guess business casual would be appropriate. Good luck with your interview!</p>

<p>Hey guys I applied early decision too! I absolutely love the college.
I’ve visited campus twice and interviewed too. I wore casual dress, and it seemed appropriate.
I’m nervous about my application, my GPA is weak but my SATs are strong. I guess I can only hope and pray for the best! Good luck to you guys!</p>

<p>That’s great smiley1213m!!</p>

<p>I guess we’re all somewhat nervous about our apps. I’m just trying to remember that God’s in control, and whatever happens is part of his plan for my life.</p>

<p>I can’t wait to get back their decision!!!</p>

<p>Did any of you get a letter or email confirming that they received your app? I just mailed mine on Monday, and was wondering if I should call them in a few days to confirm they received the app.</p>

<p>Hey smiley1213m! That’s great, yeah I absolutely love the college too!!</p>

<p>Hopefully we all get in! Haha that would be awesome!</p>

<p>Yes you guys are right, the only thing we can do is just trust that God is in control.</p>

<p>SharieKaye, I received a letter in the mail about a week and a half after I submitted my app. The letter said thank you for applying and had a brochure about financial aid, so don’t worry you will definitely receive a letter soon.</p>

<p>So smiley, what major did you apply for?</p>

<p>What activities do you guys do?</p>

<p>oh also, do you guys know if the decision letters are all mailed on december 15th or if you will receive the decision letter by december 15th?</p>

<p>also, what do you guys plan on doing at GCC, if you get in? Like activities and such :)</p>

<p>Thanks Yankees713! Hopefully I’ll get a letter back soon. </p>

<p>I believe the decisions are mailed on December 15th. It’s going to be agonizing waiting for the letter to arrive. I shall be very tempted to call them, but if everyone did that, the switchboard would probably go out. :slight_smile: I guess the letter won’t take as long to get to NJ as it would to a lot of other places…but waiting will still be hard!</p>

<p>It would be so cool if we all get in!</p>

<p>As for activities, I hardly know where to start! Grove City just has so much going on, which is one of the reasons its such a great school.</p>

<p>I’m pretty involved in music right now, so I definitely want to be in a choir and perhaps find a useful outlet for playing the piano. I definitely want to play intramurals. I’d love to write for the paper a little.</p>

<p>I’m sure there will be so much more to do, and I’m really excited about all the opportunities!</p>

<p>Are you interested in any particular activities?</p>

<p>Oh wow that’s crazy, I’m from NJ too! What part of NJ do you live in?</p>

<p>Yeah they do have so many activities! I play trumpet and sing in choir, so I will definitely do marching band, jazz band, etc., and choir too!! I really want to do an A Cappella Choir like we have at my school, it is so amazing! I definitely want to get in on A LOT of bible studies, because I really want to grow closer to Christ in college! Yeah, I will probably want to do some IM sports too, those would definitely be fun!</p>

<p>Haha yeah finding out is going to be so agonizing!! Like one whole month! Haha</p>

<p>That’s cool! I’m from Morris County, which is in northern NJ. Which part are you from?</p>

<p>It’s great you want to sing in a choir too! A Cappella is great.</p>

<p>The spiritual life at the College is definitely amazing! I was able to attend a few Bible studies and prayer meetings and a worship service, which was awesome!</p>

<p>Wow I live in Basking Ridge (Northern NJ), which is like 20 minutes from where you live!! Wow!!! Haha that’s crazy!</p>

<p>Yeah the spiritual life at GCC is pretty amazing! I really want to be able to have bible studies, and learn a lot more about Christ in college!</p>

<p>hey guys!
I’m applying to be a math major, fun, right? haha</p>

<p>I’m also a piano player and will be looking for something to get involved with in that area.
I might also get involved with the paper, something I’ve never done before but always wanted to.
The worship chapels sound awesome too!
Anddd the IM sports sound like a lot of fun!
There really is a lot to do there!</p>

<p>Ahh I really hope we all get in too!</p>

<p>oh that’s awesome, yeah i was thinking about applying for a math major too! but then i chose engineering. oh that’s cool, yeah music is pretty much awesome</p>

<p>yeah i can’t wait for the worship chapels, and i’m definitely doing intervarsity, warriors for christ, or something with a small guys bible study. that would be so awesome</p>

<p>yeah i am definitely doing IM sports, that looks like so much fun. there looked like there was a lot to do at the college, so that will be so cool.</p>

<p>haha yeah i can’t believe we have to wait a whole month!!</p>

<p>Yeah…waiting is driving me crazy!</p>

<p>Math is a fun major! </p>

<p>There’s going to be so much going on, and the classes ought to be great. I’m so excited…</p>

<p>My interview is on Thursday, and we’re bringing my cousin who attends GCC home for TG break. I’m really looking forward to that. She’s involved in a lot of cool stuff.</p>

<p>Yeah I’m so excited too!!</p>

<p>Good luck with your interview, I’m sure you’ll do great!</p>

<p>oh cool good luck with your interview!!
I’m sure you’ll be fine, just be yourself, they’re basically just making sure that you’re the kind of person and that you’ll like what the school focuses on and stuff like that.</p>

<p>The only thing I’m worried about getting accepted is my GPA could be better and my course selection is medium at best. My SATs are good and I’ve shown a lot of interest in the school though, which should help me.</p>

<p>It was really funny, admissions called my house yesterday, and it turns out that two of my letters of recommendations spelled my last name wrong! One of them was from my aunt!! It was a little embarrassing but the admissions woman was very nice and thought it was funny too. At least I know they got my application and all my other materials haha.
I sent in my first quarter high school grades too, did either of you guys do that?</p>