Gruber's Vocab?????

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I got the Gruber's 2010 Version, ran across the 3400 word list and 100 vocab tests, and was totally ****ed off. Maybe I am stupid or something, but it seems like if I know 1 word, I dont know the next 20 after it.
So, my concern is..
should I really kill myself over the Gruber Vocab Section, or just leave it alone? Based on experience, has that section ever helped on the actual SAT?</p>


<p>bump!!! please</p>

<p>Leave it alone and focus on other parts. Vocabulary is usually the hardest since you can’t really ‘learn’ it like grammar rules or math. :)</p>

<p>there is a FAQ made especially for these simple questions. after 59 posts, i would think that you would know how to use the search function…</p>

<p>anyways, buy direct hits vol 1 and 2, it’s easily the best book out there for vocab. 3400 words is overkill</p>