
<p>i have a gt to ilr & i didnt make the requirements. instead of getting all b's, i got two b-'s. is anyone else in my situation/has been in my situation & got in? i hope i can still transfer...</p>

<p>I’ve heard the requirements are very strict especially if they are in required courses. It’d be one thing if it was a single b- in an elective course but two could be a problem. Best to call ILR and find out.</p>

<p>i spoke to one of my teachers and he’s willing to change my b- to a b. so i’ll only have one b-. do you think i should hold off on calling cornell then? or should i let them know right away? im gonna try and see if my other teacher is willing to bring my grade up too</p>

<p>karlyylrak531-- im in the same boat as you. i have a GT to CALS & received a C instead of a B in one of my classes. i don’t know what i should do as of now. my teacher will not change my grade.</p>

<p>is there anyone else who has been in our situation or has advice on what to do?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you don’t meet the specified GT requirements, your application will be reviewed as a regular transfer application (and, obviously, your acceptance will no longer be guaranteed). I know of a few people who got a B- and were still accepted (they were CALS, not ILR, if you’re wondering).</p>

<p>are our applications automatically put in as a regular transfer application? do we have to write the essays that are required of regular transfers, etc.? thanks for all the info!</p>

<p>Nooo, we don’t have to write any essays. Just send college transcripts, FA info., and a mid-year report. After the acceptance, final transcript. That’s it!</p>

<p>so even if i didn’t make the GT requirements, i just send the above in (first term transcript, FA info, midyear report) and that’s it? i don’t have to fill in the regular transfer application or anything even though i’m going to be put into the regular transfer pool? just want to make sure.</p>

<p>you’re not really in the reg. transfer pool. i mean sure your app. is reviewed at this time, but you have a written agreement where as reg. transfer apps. do not. If you meet all the standards and haven’t been arrested, there is no reason for them to not accept you. this is why it is ‘guaranteed’</p>

<p>thats the thing…i didn’t make the requirements :-
i have a b- in a class instead of a b. </p>

<p>so i was wondering do i just go ahead and send in the GT application, knowing that i didn’t meet requirements & that i am going to be placed in the regular transfer pool OR do i send in the regular transfer app since that is the pool im going to be placed in anyway. im just confused on what i should do at the moment…</p>

<p>thanks for all the help guys
@oldfort - that link was very informative!</p>

<p>call admissions and speak to CAS’s transfer coordinator or any admissions official and explain the circumstances. and I would send in the GT application because it will look pretty weird if they know you were offered a GT and sent in a reg. transfer app.</p>

<p>thanks everyone for all the info! </p>

<p>does anyone know who the CALS GT counselor is/who i should contact to explain my situation?</p>

<p>i have a question- i’m applying as an undergrad for the fall and I just curious about the Guaranteed Transfer thing
how does it compare to being on the waitlist? is it like- you go on the waitlist and then if you don’t get in from there you may be offered a GT or do you get GT frm the start</p>

<p>sorry if you saw this bold and thought I answered your question =[ i wish i could</p>

<p>In response to shalala<em>lala</em>la:
When I was accepted as a guaranteed transfer it was explained to me as just having my acceptance delayed a year. Since there is a high freshmen year drop-out rate at Cornell, they stack their sophomore class with students that were qualified to get in for the year they applied but since they have caps on how many students that they can accept they are deferred a year. It means you complete your freshman year at another college and fulfill the requirements a Cornell Freshman would have and then you go to Ithaca :slight_smile: It was never mentioned as a waitlist thing.</p>

<p>This doesn’t apply to CAS or Engineering, right?</p>

<p>haha it’s okay shalala<em>lala</em>la
well, if anyone else knows the answer to my question or has any advice, let me know! thanks</p>

<p>Her name is Cathleen Sheils. Search her on google to get her e-mail</p>