GW Journalism chances!!!

Can I get in if I apply regular decision?

gpa unweighted - 3.76 weighted - 4.48
act - 30
I have taken mostly honors classes, I took one ap in my junior year (5 on exam) and in my senior year I am taking 2 aps and 2 dual enrollments
I am an editor on my school newspaper
A board member of temple youth group
I was previously historian of my school environmental club
I am in national honors society and english honors society
I won awards for algebra 2 and english 2 honors
I won second place best news writer in my county

I have participated in many community service projects and I have 400 hours.

I think you have a great shot! GW’s journalism school is a good ‘target’ school for you, in my opinion.

Make sure to place emphasis on your work as school newspaper editor and the competition that deemed you one of the best writers in your county. GW loves it when your EC’s line up great with you intended field of study. This is especially true with SMPA, because the programs have a cap on the amount of people allowed to enroll/be admitted.

Best of luck :slight_smile:

Yes GW needs more writers. I also highly recommend the Yale Writer’s Conference. Get a GW degree and come to YWC and make everyone oh so jealous so as to bring more sexiness and fervor to the “Hatchet.”

And if you’re a girl we should date like not to be weird or anything. I did both those things- YWC and I’m a senior in the business school.