GW Transfer - Fall 2017

@intstud2 I spoke to the housing division recently about where transfer students will be placed. I was informed that there is no designated residence hall for transfer students and that assignments are issued based on what rooms are remaining. Therefore you can be assigned a room with students who are currently studying at GWU or students who are just transferring to GWU from high school and another university. It just depends on the amount of space that they have left.

I wouldn’t worry about not being able to have a housing assignment because i believe that freshmen, sophomore, and juniors are required to live on campus in order to satisfy the residency requirements for graduation. Therefore, if you fall in any of those categories then there’s a very high possibility that you will be given a housing assignment. Any doubts, concerns, or questions should be directed to the housing division at GW, if anything.

I completed my housing application on the day it was made available for transfer students and called up housing afterwards in order to figure out when will be the earliest date in which I will receive an assignment. They said to expect assignments to be issued roughly one week after the submission of your housing application.

@FingerTipSport Do you know if we would be able to switch rooms if we are placed in one of the more expensive rooms? I can’t really afford anything over $11,900 and I’m kind of worried they’ll place me somewhere I can’t afford. Also, do you know if there’s a chance we’re put in first year housing or is it really just literally anywhere they can put us?

@esnyder01 That option is available for transfer students based off of the information that was provided by the GW housing representative that I spoke with over the phone recently. Though, I would imagine that would be the case depending on the availability of rooms. If you want more information on how that selection process is approached, you should contact the housing division by phone in order to acquire a more detail-oriented answer.

Based on speculation, first-year housing is prioritized for incoming freshmen and not for transfer students or upperclassmen. Note that there are residence halls that are designated for underclassmen and upperclassmen. For instance, if you are an incoming junior, you might be placed in a residence hall that is known for residing upperclassmen rather than one with underclassmen. If you’re an incoming sophomore, you might be placed in a residence hall that is known for residing underclassmen rather than one with upperclassmen. Though, I imagine that there are exceptions in which there is no available space for a junior in the upperclassmen residence hall which would be resolved by having the junior reside with underclassmen.

Another note: if you are concerned about the pricing of housing, which is perfectly normal considering the cost of attendance, then you can apply for a housing exemption if you qualify. If you live around the Northern Virginia area, you may be able to qualify for housing exemption as long as you submit proof of residency. Furthermore, there are other criteria that may qualify a student from being exempt that include religious or medical reasons. In the latter, you would have to acquire a written note from your doctor that states your inability to live with others or any sort of medical impairment that prevents you from living on-campus. That approach is typically for students who do not qualify for exemptions based on their primary residence and are searching for properties near the GWU campus due to the lower associated costs with renting a room, leasing an apartment, etc.

Here are some resources that you can utilize if you haven’t already:

(1) GW’s Housing’s Phone Number


(2) Residency exemption information.

(3) Current students who may be able to answer your question, or have been through related situations that you’re currently in/ domain name is for sale. Inquire now.