GW Transfer - Fall 2017

@Sogand have you tried calling them? It’s not impossible for them to forget about your application or something to get misplaced. In the end, the people in Admissions are human and capable of fault.

@NHuffer yes I called them milion times. They been telling me it comes out before June. I just called them and she said they expanded the deadline into the June. This is ridiculous im not waiting anymore

@rman22 I was accepted into Elliot as a transfer student back in April, but I waited to send my declaration of intent and deposit until yesterday because I wanted a decision from the University of Texas at Austin. I’m still waiting for UT, but will probably attend GW if I don’t hear anything soon. What was the process after you sent in your deposit? Did you get an email about registering for classes? Did you attend the transfer orientation a few weeks ago?

I always wanted to attend gw but it doesn’t make sense to me (with all respect to all gw students,alumni…), i got into CMU and USC before GW. GW is a great school and a great location, it just doesn’t make sense to me to wait so long

Does anyone know how I would find out who my academic advisor is so I can register for classes?

@esnyder01 what school are you admitted to? You should be able to go to that schools academic advising website and search for your advisor. The advisors are selected based on your last name.

Well, I’ve spoken to my POD advisor at CCAS and found out a lot of information; however, being that I waited so long for Georgetown’s decision to only be put on the WL spot, the amount of available courses is verrrrry sparse. A semester of just electives/general studies would not look very favorable for graduate school applications. Gotta keep digging.

I’m speaking to my advisor today! I know that at my current school, they were able to place me in classes that were already full as long as they went towards my major so I’m hoping they’ll be able to do the same at GWU!

@esnyder01 How’d your appointment go?

Is anyone else having problems with the website for the housing application?

I just got in yesterday! But I didn’t really get any aid… I’ll be paying 40k a year for an Econ degree for this school. Now I am really wondering if this is worth it, considering another school is 16k but not highly ranked…

Congratulations! Even though your financial aid package isn’t as high as expected, it’s still quite the accomplishment to get accepted into George Washington University. Honestly, there are students with high grade point averages, really just ideal candidates for this school (on paper), who get rejected because some aspect of their personality or experience doesn’t meet their standards.

What I would consider is how long you plan on staying at George Washington University. Financially speaking, the odds work within your favor if you’re coming in as a junior because you’ll be paying for 2 years of education assuming that all of your credits at the previous university checks out. If that is your current academic status, you’ll have $80,000 paid out of pocket in order to receive a degree at GW. That may seem hefty at this moment, however, one way to hedge the COA is to obtain some sort of employment while you’re here. In Washington DC, you’ll have a vast amount of opportunities in regards to employment that can help you pay for your education. Easier to be said than done, but if you really want to be at GW, you can make it happen.

Good luck and congratulations again!


@FingerTipSport Hey thanks so much for the tips. I actually am coming in as a sophomore, so it’s going to be 120k for me… and that’s assuming i stay for 3 years. Plus, I got 20k from another institution from my freshmen year so that’s really 140k in debt in total.

I am really looking into employment during my time at DC. That’s really the only way I see it in paying for my time at GWU. Also, do you happen to know if they can give me more financial aid in the long term or if I can appeal my package?

@Robinyoursoul it went really well! And if you want in a class that is already a full, you have to get a handwritten signature from the professor and there’s a form from the registrar that you have to fill out. I just wanted into Rand Paul’s class but I called CCAS and they said no one else is allowed in unless people start dropping it so I don’t really need to worry about it anymore.

Does anyone know if the rooming rates on the housing website include the meal plan or if it is a separate cost?

@chrisli75 I’d caution against incurring that much student debt. I don’t believe there is an undergraduate degree in the entire U.S. that’s worth $140. Heck, I don’t think anything’s worth more than $50K (my opinion, of course). This comes from experience knowing how difficult it is to get by with student debt and making the “average” DC post-grad income of $50-55k /yr.

Further, it’s entirely possible that you’ll receive more aid. When I was a transfer, my complete aid package wasn’t made available immediately. If I were you, I’d call the FinAid office and see if there was any more aid available for you that you haven’t seen yet.

This is going to require a bit of research and effort but I’d suggest to bring your grade point average up as high as possible; the goal is always to get a 4.0, or at the very least get close to having a 4.0. The reason why this can be helpful is because there’s a grade point average standard that can qualify you for membership in organizations such as Phi Theta Kappa or National Society of Collegiate Scholars. With GW for transfer students, you can qualify for the PTK scholarship or NSCS scholarship with both being presidential academic scholarships for TRANSFER STUDENTS. Though, I believe those who qualify for these scholarships are transfer students who have applied and got accepted, not one who has already been accepted and is currently enrolled. However, I would call up the admissions office and check up on that because I think they are the ones that handle such circumstances.

Let’s say that you are not able to collect the PTK or NSCS scholarship because you are already enrolled as a student at GW…membership in these organizations is already beneficial because you’ll gain exposure to scholarship opportunities through them. One of the qualifications for these scholarships is that you hold membership in the organization(s) that it was issued through. Even without membership in these programs, you can still search for scholarships that are handled by third-party organizations and associations, just do a little bit of research.

Like @NHuffer said in his previous post, incurring $140,000 of student debt is a big HELL NO. I realize that one of the reasons for why you want to attend GWU is due to its ranking in comparison to your other option. However, realize that the ranking of your school is not going to be indicative of how your future will turn out in an employment and financial standpoint. There are people who have attended “lower ranked” schools and have still ended up fine. Think about it this way:

$20,000+$(3)(16,000)=$20,000+$48,000=$68,000 of student debt would be incurred if you went to your other choice. Assume that you pick up a job that pays you $50,000 a year out of college. Now let’s break down your hypothetical budget/expenses…

30%-Personal Expenses
40%-Student Loans

$50,000*40%= $20,000 per year will be allocated towards your student loans.

$68,000/$20,000 per year= 3.4 years to pay off your student loans.

Let’s apply the same scenario with the same budget but to GWU debt ($140,000)

$140,000/ $20,000 per year= 7 years to pay off your student loans

3.4 years vs. 7 years to pay off student loans

If you can obtain a $50,000 paycheck whether you went to GWU or your other choice, then would you want to go to GWU? Because if you choose GWU, what you’re essentially doing is wanting to spend another 3.6 years of your lifetime paying off student loans. In that 3.6 years, you’ll be spending a $72,000 difference…Think about that for a second!

If you go to Merit Scholarship page in GWU website you can find quite a few of scholarship opportunities like what @FingerTipSport said.

I also found about the PTK scholarship recently and contacted the administration for eligibility, because I am currently member of PTK at my college. The requirement was to have at least 56 semester hours and 3.7 to 4.0 GPA to be even apply to the scholarship. I had more than 60 credits, but my gpa was 3.6, so they said I wasn’t even eligible to apply (which made me little frustrated). So I think they provide different scholarships here and there along the way, but you have to look for one. I think I will look for more scholarship opportunities when I get to the school this Fall.

@NHuffer I will definitely call them by monday, and will update you on what they say. I don’t think it’s fair that my mon only makes like 70-80k only as a single parent and has to dish out 40k for tuition, so hopefully they will be more reasonable.

@FingerTipSport I actually was offered membership to NSCS in my old school, so I hope I can apply for the scholarship for GWU. Other than that, I really am going to have to wait for GWU to negotiate my financial aid package to at least maybe be closer to my other state school so it can be more worthwhile for me to attend this school. Otherwise it is going to be the state school. also, would it be better if I call them or if my mother calls them?

Hey guys! I’ve been admitted as a sophomore transfer but I still haven’t decided If I’m saying yes. What do you guys know about housing? I’m quite worried about that. Is there a specific residence hall where they put transfers this semester? What are y’all doing?

@chrisli75 then you should activate your membership as soon as possible. I think you have to pay some sort of membership fee and then they send you an email indicating your enrollment into NSCS. Make sure to keep that information because when you inform GWU’s admissions office about your membership, they’re going to request for verification in which you can send them the material that NSCS had sent you.

Prior to getting this done, make sure to call GWU and inquire about any remaining funds for transfer scholarships, specifically the NSCS academic merit scholarship. I recall speaking to them about this months ago and they noted that they will continue issuing out scholarships/financial aid until their funds are exhausted which typically occurs around the summer time. Therefore, there’s a possibility that you might be eligible to receive more aid but then again, there’s a possibility that you on’t because they may not have anymore funds. All in all, call them before you sign up for membership for NSCS so that you don’t waste your money on a membership fee if you don’t need it.