GW Transfer - Fall 2017

Yeah man, GW is very Vet friendly. If you get accepted, be sure to look into GWVets. Great group of people and they really look out for their own. You can find gen in FB, Twitter, etc.

Thanks for the information, man. I’ll definitely look into them if the decision to be accepted is in my favor. Time will tell!

@Robinyoursoul I would say your chances are very high as well! I do not know much about their admission process but I think your experience will put you above other applicants like myself. George Washington is my top school right now and I know it may be of a stretch. I graduated high school last year with a 3.2 GPA. I did participate in a lot of extracurriculars in high school such as tennis, track, debate club, best buddies, and peer mediation. In high school I definitely did not apply myself.

I decided to go to community college to save some money and maybe get accepted to schools I wouldn’t have gotten in to before. This is my second semester at my community college. I currently have a 3.88 GPA, I am in the honors society, I created my colleges debate club and am the president of it, I work 28 hours a week, and volunteer for two organizations. I want to major in International affairs with a minor in Arabic. I am hoping my essays, recommendations, and extracurriculars will push me through! Fingers crossed!

@as06053 Thanks a lot! The comments give me some hope in my chances at attending George Washington Uni.
I’m in the same boat as you. I was more concerned with girlfriends and friends when I was in highschool and did not understand the effect that it had on my future. (It’s what my essay was somewhat based off of).

Off the paper, you sound like a competitive applicant; especially maintaining that GPA while working, EC’s, etc

Not too long until decisions are out!

Does anyone have any idea of the financial aid George Washington offers? I just read, “administrators at George Washington University now acknowledge that the school has long given an edge to wealthier students”. This is a little worrisome considering I am not considered a wealthy student.

@as06053 All that means, as far as I know, is that the Admissions office will give “bonus points” to a student that’s able to pay full tuition (or at least close to it.) I do NOT think it means that if you can’t pay, you get bumped down.

As far as aid, it seems the school expects you to at least max out your Federal Stafford Loan allotment (approx $15k/year?). If your EFC says that you can pay more than that, you’ll probably have to. Slightly off-topic, but that’s why I feel that the government getting involved in education has increased costs so much, because now that schools know students are good for at least $60K in federal-backed loans, they can charge more.

Could anybody chance me?
I am currently a freshman and I am looking to transfer for the Fall of 2017

Here is some info:

High School:
GPA-3.34 (Not my best)
Loads of E/C’s (captain of soccer team, all state musician, worked 40 hours a week for financial reasons)

I am not putting my ACT in because I do not feel it will help me

3.47 GPA (That is my first semester GPA, my second semester GPA is in progress, but I have all A’s and one B for my second semester Mid-term grades which I will be sending) (My major is Poly. Sci)

Tons of E/C - Band (1st Chair), Marching Band (Section leader), College Republicans and occasionally I participate in young democrats, Pre-law club, Work, and Moot Court (I am the only freshman at the University to be accepted on to the moot court team.)

I have a great letter of Rec. with at least one more on the way.

My essay and personal letter are both very strong

@wesleyarmstrong227 I think you’ve got a pretty decent shot. I don’t know what you took for classes this first year, but improving your GPA from high school is an accomplishment in and of itself. Good luck!

Thank you!
Also, I forgot to mention a few things that may or may not add some insight.

I took all AP classes in HS and was top 30% in my classes.

Also, for my 1st semester my classes were pretty hard. (mainly all 2000 Level courses. My classes for this semester are also mainly 2000 level courses.)

I play multiple instruments very well.

Does any of the extra info. change anything regarding my chances possibly?

(This is a separate question from all of the personal info)

Since I am a poly. sci major I will be Columbian college of arts and sciences.
Is it hard to get in to?


Has anyone gotten any emails from GW about a portal login where we can see what they have received from us?

After not receiving my portal information after a few days of already submitting the Common App, I emailed the admissions office and they emailed me back requesting some basic information; a few hours later I got the info to create a portal account.

@wesleyarmstrong227 While those new points do matter, I don’t think it changes your overall chance a whole lot. Taking AP and other challengers courses matters, especially in making your GPA relative to other applicants, but the average student getting into will GW will have taken many AP/honors classes and have a higher GPA.

As far as getting into the Columbian College, I don’t believe it’s considered more difficult to get into than most others. It is the largest school at GW, so I think that statistically it’d make acceptance more likely.

Can someone with adderall send some along the way to the GWU admissions so they can speed things up.

Thanks @NHuffer

Is the decision making process done on a rolling basis? I could not find that information on the website.

@wesleyarmstrong227 I’m not sure about whether decisions are made on a rolling basis or not- sorry.

Hey guys! I believe it says late April to early May which seems like forever! Quick question, does anyone know how well they are with financial aid?
Good luck guys!

In my experience, unless you are a STELLAR applicant, you should plan on having to max-out your Stafford Loans (about $15k/yr) and then a little something extra. The “little something extra” will depend on your EFC, or what the school thinks they can get from you.

Does anybody else’s activity center list their high school transcript as missing? Mine was sent awhile ago but says it still isn’t there

@aftfl12 It took a really long time for my transcripts (college) to show up; well over a month. How long has it been since you sent it?