GWU Accepted Class of 2022 Thread

Columbian Arts and Science for Poli Sci!! I applied to the Political Communications Major at SMPA as my first with an alternate in poli sci but I’m super happy to be excepted at all and Poli Sci was a close second :slight_smile:
I actually cried when I got accepted I was so shocked and I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling all night

Does anyone know if there’s any accepted student facebook pages?

Hi everyone, my name is Peak-Sen Chua and I’m the President of the GW Student Association. For those of you that have received your letters already, welcome to GW!!! Although my term will be over by the time you arrive, I am so happy that you’ll be part of our community. Raise High!

So excited for SMPA Political Communication! I didn’t see the decision until I got off work at midnight! Can’t wait to meet everyone in our incoming freshman class!

Awww, thanks @kayleehong ! And @18aamstutz ahh same!! I walked in from a Speech and Debate meet hours after to see decisions. :smiley: :smiley:

Lol, how did everyone else find out?! That decisions were live?!

got into columbian for astophysics and astronomy!! it was my alternative choice - didnt get into elliott, but still excited! plus a 10k scholarship!!!

For all the parents, there is a GWU parents facebook group:

GW Class of 2022! Super excited!

GW Class of 2022! Elliot School of Int’l Affairs! :slight_smile:

How does GWU inform you of your decision? By email?

Hey everyone! I’m Sean and I was accepted to GW early decision I. Lemme know if you wanna chat!!

Ok I have a quick question. It says I received a “Grant/scholarship reported on PROFILE” that would add a significant amount of money to my aid, but I’m not really sure what that means or if it is actually included in my tuition.

@HalfwayThereUni1 yeah haha I actually got defered from ED 1, but I got accepted through RD!! It basically means that your application is going to be reconsidered during the RD round since they can’t accept you just yet for reasons. But yay congrats!!

Accepted into Columbian school for poli sci!!! Super excited it was my first choice :slight_smile:


Has anyone gotten an acceptance letter/package yet? If so, what was in it?

Accepted into Elliot ‘22 for international politics!!! Super excited!

Hey!! I was accepted into the Columbian school for Political Science too :slight_smile:

@maemcgrath9 The reason that you did not get into SMPA is because no one is automatically admitted into SMPA. You have to apply to it once you have been on-campus for at least one year.

Woohoo Congrats everyone! I was accepted into Columbian. If anyone wants someone to connect with feel free to pm me! :slight_smile: