GWU Accepted Class of 2022 Thread


Hey guys! Does anyone know if there’s an accepted students GroupMe or anything like that?

I’m so excited to meet you guys!! There’s a facebook group, an instagram and I don’t think there’s a huge groupme for all the accepted kids bc our phones would all be spammed too much haha, but there’s an accepted girls and guys gm and roomate gm as well as a google doc for roomates! SO EXCITED TO #raisehigh

I am trying to decide between Villanova and George Washington University. At Villanova, I got into the Honors program. At GWU, I got into the Women’s Leadership Program. I want to major in Political Science/International Relations with a minor in psychology, but am open to changing that as I am exposed to new classes. Any advice?

@london1234 If you want to do Poli Sci/IA, GW, hands down. There is no better spot to be studying those majors than in DC itself.

Accepted RD into Elliot! Now I have to choose between Michigan State (Honors), Tulane (Honors), Colby College, and GW - right now GW is at the top but I have to go to admitted students’ day for Colby and GW before I decide

Does anyone know if it’s possible for an admitted student to do an overnight?/Does anyone know how I’d go about doing this if I can?

Hey,does anyone know if there is a GroupMe or any other communications?

@imobamaself what is the name of the facebook group/page? and Instagram page? :slight_smile:

@london1234 You didn’t ask me, but I just wanted to let you know the Facebook group is George Washington University Class of 2022 and the Instagram page is gwuclassof22.

Thank you! @mamatojjandkk

Anyone get their acceptance packet yet?

@Kd6410 yes I just got mine today

Packet arrived today in the Chicago suburbs

I got my packet too in Texas. It has the wrong college in the acceptance letter though :-/

Ours didn’t have a sheet showing an itemized financial aid package. Did others receive one?

We have now received the itemized package sent in a separate mailing.

Have any of you all been using Roomsync? I’ve been trying but no one ever replies :frowning: Trying to figure out if it’s just me or if no one is active on it

@Kd6410 I met my roommate on there, and I talked to a few other people. The platform really sucks though, it doesn’t notify people if they’ve been sent a message or if someone’s synced with them. My roommate messaged me on instagram when we first synced and that’s how we talk. Have you tried messaging people on instagram or other social media if they included it in their profile?