Half-Black, Half-Japanese, 4.2 GPA, 2230 SAT, should i apply to these schools?

UW GPA: 3.9
W GPA: 4.2
SAT: 2230 (750 reading, 750 math, 730 writing)
800 Physics SAT, 790 Math II

Internship at Texicorp for 2 summers working in biotech
President of math club, biology club
300+ community service for various things
trumpet in district band

AIME qualifier, Semifinalist USABO

9/10 biology teacher
9/10 calculus BC teacher
7/10 counseler

good essays

Do you guys think I can get into Hogwarts?

Its a reach but I think with good essays you can get in!

Also apply to the college of hufflepuff to increase your chances :slight_smile:

I think that Hogwarts might be a reach for you

With your stats and your hooks, you should be close to Hogwarts and its worth applying.

Hogwarts is a reach for everyone.

Are you being recruited for Quidditch?

I doubt you’d make it into Slytherin, maybe Hufflepuff.

Though your stats fall in the range… elite schools turn down thousands of qualified applicants every year. I think your ticket in could be the essays. Hogwarts’ common data set ranks essays as “very important” so a compelling essay can take you a long way.

Forget blasian, are you pure blood, half blood, or muggle born?

Hmmm I heard knowing Harry Potter helps with that. He’ll give you a wicked recommendation.

But in all seriousness you should check out some UK schools. Some LOOK like hog warts