Hammond Scholarship?

<p>So I just got an E-mail from Miami encouraging me to apply for the Hammond Scholarship.</p>

<p>It's billed as a totally merit-based scholarship for URM, first-generation, single parent household students who have had to overcome adversity.</p>

<p>I am a middle-upper-class, overpriveliged Indian dude from a stable household, have two parents with doctorate degrees, and I've never had to overcome a shred of adversity in my life. :D</p>

<p>Why did I get this E-mail? Lol...should I even apply for this scholarship? I'm leaning yes simply because it's a full-tuition award and I have nothing to lose by applying, but I don't really know...something doesn't feel right about it.</p>

<p>I think you know the right thing to do here - you don’t need us to advise you.</p>

<p>You probably know this already, but UM has plenty of other merit-based scholarships that could fit you.</p>