Harvard Admissions Fall 2022

Thanks! I wonder what the acceptance rate is for applicants who get interviews like this - late from limited interview countries…

Hope it is gonna be the same for me this week hehe! You will never know since Harvard does not release those stats, but just have to wait 31 more days.

Has anyone still not received their interview. I am an international student from the UK. just wondering if they’re still even coming out.

Did you receive an interview?

still nothing, it’s ben four hours, currently going to call in admissions to see what’s up

Very interesting. Please let us know if you end up receiving an interview!

Hi all!
I’m new here so sorry if this has already been asked. But my question is does Harvard send out likely letters and if so, has anyone received one?

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I received a likely last Friday Feb. 25!!!


Yep!!! I got on last friday Feb 25th!


Are you from the US?

I am an international student studying in a US boarding school. So geographically yes, nationally no.

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Flip… I still haven’t gotten one and I’m from the UK

Haven’t gotten an interview****



Congratulations on your big achievement, Celebration time

Congratulations. Did you have an interview? Also, did the likely letter say that the admissions committee has voted to admit you or something like that?

Again congratulations. It is very rare and should feel special to get this letter.

Did any Indonesian students receive an interview invite?

My son submitted his mid term grades via parchment on Jan. 25 and the application portal still says awaiting. He has tried to call admissions and there is no answer and emailed with no response. Any suggestions?

Where do you see it is missing?