Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

To be honest, I have really been thinking about going to the US and I did activities that I not only enjoyed but also, that I knew could help me get accepted at universities like Harvard. And even though, other applicants may have thought the same, from previous years, many of them didn’t say any close things to what I have presented in my profile. I don’t know if it was even too much and they didn’t believe it or what. Even with the awards and honors, I listed so many I believe can be quite nice for an international applicant, from STEM awards, to National level honors, to volunteering merits, Global Classrooms Debate recognitions… It is so frustrating because I can’t undertand what must have an other applicant presented to be placed so above of me, getting me rejected and another student accepted. Yes, my last year’s GPA was lower because of all the hours I had to work to help my elderly grandparents in Ukraine have, at least, light or gas at home, pay for my exams and extracurriculars, as my mother lost her job. Isn’t that independence and persevernace? I doubt any other 16 year old did that. Or maybe yes, I know I am not able to judge but honestly, I doubt it. They wanted your application to be impressive, unique, for example, I was a lifeguard last summer and I had to do a cardiac massage to an elderly Man Who got a heart attack in the pool. Of course, I am happy I could help in the situation and I know there are doctors out there who save lifes every single day, I can’t compare to them, but, isn’t that, once more “unique”?
I simply wish I got at least, a chance to interview and demonstrate how much Harvard means to me and my will and continued interest.

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I think you have a very impressive profile. Perhaps you are a direct accept and they did not require an interview to make a decision. Maybe, it is the “fit” issue that AOs mention. Perhaps Harvard is not a good fit, but Yale is, and you’ll be accepted by Yale. I trust the system that most students end up in schools that they will be happy going to. Did you apply ED or REA to any university?

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NGl, that isn’t a competitive profile, and while this might be harsh you don’t have any massive international award or impact to stand out, medals at the international science olympiads, ISEF or other comps so your stem ECs are lacking as for debate, the best debaters Harvard takes are WSDC champions again, your ECs aren’t at that level and while I really appreciate you saving that man’s life, but others have bigger impact social work and a cardiac massage can be learned in a 5-minute youtube video and doesn’t necessarily shows the college anything. you have done great but your app overall isn’t one that has a high chance to be accepted

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Thank you so much for your answer, of course, I can’t judge, I am not an Admission Officer. But it does help to ask for other people’s opinions on your application, and to see that you also believe I might stand a chance to get in, feels awesome.


Hello! First and foremost, thank you for your answer as I really like to take advantage of the critics and opinions that others have on my application. However, I would like to regard some aspects about my awards to ask for your second view on them (as I didn’t specify much above).
To begin with, I am actually a National champion at the Psychology STEM Championship that was held in Madrid last year with a project on Cognitive Psychology. The two previous years I also won regional awards for my Research on how lack of Resources repercutes on the interaction between children in schools and my studies on Developmental Psychology and Sport Motivation. Here in Spain we don’t have many of the possibilities students are given in the US or in other European countries so, therefore, if you look around I strongly believe these awards can stand out from what is offered. Of course, you need to find opportunities for yourself and I did so in order to enroll in these competitions.
About debate, in fact, I obtained several first place awards and honor recognitions in both, Global Classrooms and Global Scholars debates. Furthermore, I am part of the MUN Spanish team, even if I am younger than most of the other participants. It might not be the most astonishing student Debate group but I do think it shows certain level of skill. I have also created my own debate club at the local university and we now are an international community, meeting online with students all around the world to disscuss different topics. Regarding both, MUN and Global Classrooms, most of my awards have international recognition. As I said, I also speak 6 languages, among which are Russian and Ukrainian and I have been awarded volunteering recognitions for my campaigns to aid with the whole war situation, among which helping inmigrants to learn Spanish or singing at fundraising events have had the most impact. Also, I did win two literary international awards for Creative Writing compositions and one in a poetry contest. Finally, about tennis, I don’t hold international titles but I think, having attended Rafael Nadal Academy for a Summer program isn’t a small achievement. Finally, I have also been preselcted for scholarships abroad, like the famous Kemper scholarship to study at the Phillips Academy. Don’t get me wrong, I value and accept the fact I am not the strongest applicant ever, I haven’t won a Nobel Prize or found the cure for Cancer, but I would like to explain more on my achievements so you see why I thought I could get in. Finally, everyone should, in fact, know how to do a cardiac massage but go and try to. Reality is much different from a YouTube video when a person is dying in front of you and you got seconds to react. As I said, doctors do this daily, I am not a heroe, but I do think it was original to mention this experience and it has certain merit.

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I really like Harvard over other universities, not simply because of the name, but because of the vibe. It might sound strange, but when I applied ti other universities or when I interviewed with Princeton, I didn’t get that excitement feeling that I experience when reading about Harvard. I don’t really know how to explain it, is just different. But, is there a reason why you think I could not match the fit? Like, what part of my application exactly? Thank you once more for your response! And about EA, I only applied to Harvard, Yale and Princeton for the Regular Decision.

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While It is good to consider that your application is strong, I find It disrespectful to talk like the other students who stands out are less interesting or competitive than you. Not everyone has the same opportunities

Hey! I wrote to you through Instagram. I have little more to say as I already said I am sorry for any comment that may have bothered you. I don’t believe I am better than everyone and of course, all students stand a chance to get in. I simply wanted to know other people’s opinions on what part of my application was less strong and therefore, could allow another applicant to get in instead of me. Also, your profile is great too! And I already told you that you have a lot of possibilities to get in, so I wasn’t by any means trying to say that you don’t deserve it. You totally do and I am sure, in less than a month, I will be congratulating you on having been accepted. Sorry, once more.

I agree, your profile sounds great. Harvard is looking for students with specific talents to shape their class. They have a very fine psychology department, and you sound as if you would be a great fit for that. You do say that you’re only 16, and that you won a scholarship to Phillips. I’m just curious, why not take that, and go to Phillips for 2 years, and then apply? Even though you’re an int’l student, they’re much more likely to take you if you’re coming with a stellar track record from one of the top US boarding schools.

Hello! Thank you so much for your answer:) Oh, I might have said something wrong(I will revise my comment). I am not 16, I am 17 and turning 18 this year. But I got most of my awards when I was 16. About Phillips, I haven’t won yet, I am preselcted and it is very difficult to end up going there. Just one person from Spain is awarded the scholarship. About Psychology, I tried to set my application in a way that it was focused on what I would like to study but I would also love to do something related with Global Affairs, languages, Politics… That is why I worked on the debate part. Honestly, is being an auto-amdit even possible for an international? Without having an interview?

Try to focus on something else. For an International applicant, admission is much harder. No one here can tell you exactly why you did not get an interview, nor what precisely it means. While all of your various extracurriculars are impressive, please keep in mind that Harvard considers academics as a large portion of the evaluation, primarily meaning your course rigor, your grades especially recent grades, and any testing. It is very difficult to get admission to Harvard even with perfect grades and scores: less than near-perfect grades makes admission to Harvard and similar institutions even more challenging. Best of luck to you, try to distract yourself from thinking about it too much, and get excited about backup plans if admission to your dream schools doesn’t work out.


We live in the middle of nowhere, USA. A graduate school grad interviewed my child. Was surprised to find there was a Harvard grad even remotely close to us.

It was a great interview (both ways. I think my child did ok, but also really liked the interviewer). No idea what that means as far as acceptance. But definitely appreciated the experience.


May I ask when you got the interview request?

Sofia - you clearly stand out for your country. Don’t sweat the small stuff (interview). Maybe you didn’t get an interview because Harvard does not have enough alumni in that region.

Good luck. We are just a few precious days away. Hang in there


Hello! Thank you so much, really. I know, as other people advised me, that I should move on, let it go and stop overthinking. And I try, but I can’t. Because everyone should get a chance, a fair opportunity and I am happy for those who get in, but I believe I also did a huge effort these years, and of course, they can’t accept all of us, however, I sincerely thought they could like my application. I don’t know about the interview, I would love to believe that they didn’t have many interviewers in Spain and therefore, they gave priority to those students from whom they needed more information or whose applications were processed earlier. But I do know there have been interviews sent two weeks ago so… I would be so grateful if I got one late, in March, as has happened other years. Fingers crossed. Have a nice day and thank you once more for your kind and encouraging words!

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Hi! Sorry if this is a silly question as I’m an international student and I can’t find information about this topic, but do you know if the decisions for financial aid are sent the Ivy League Day? I have this doubt since I supposed the financial aid department only works with the applications of students who got accepted. This is very important to me and other students with low income as if we do not have a confirmation about financial aid we can’t celebrate if we are accepted( which is really difficult and almost impossible, anyways). Thank you!


Harvard FA is really good and helpful. If you are of need and get in (if you filed all of the necessary paperwork they’ve asked of you) it will be a good offer.

You have stella profile. REA is extremely tough for international applicants. I may be totally wrong but I feel you’ve been doing way too many stuff, which might give a slight edge to some other candidate who shows just one interest-concentrated-spike through awards, essays, and LoR. Nevertheless, I wish you best luck in RD. You deserve a spot.


Hello! Thank you so much:) I know, I tried to focus more on Psychology, debate and languages as those are activities related to the fields I would like to study. Also, I though having important awards and a lot of time invested in sport, could help me demonstrate proper time management and dedication. But I see your point, maybe they even thought something wasn’t true ( I really hope they did not) or that it was too much. I mean, I really try to find time out of nowhere, no sleep at least one day a week you know… Once more, thank you, fingers crossed.