Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

How many got interviews from northern CA? We have had no requests yet. Still holding on to end of this week as the last day(s)

Do you know someone from Spain?

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Hello. Question regarding the process, not found elsewhere. Does Harvard ever contact the student’s high school ?

Or is it just the student/applicant that gets interviewed?

Thank you

Parent of applicant

Can they? Yes. Do they? Rarely.

In Dallas, my daughter has not received an interview but her friend has.

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Thank you. I apologize if my post was not more clear. I supposed “Harvard can do whatever Harvard wants to do” at the end of the day.

In what cases would they contact the school AND the student/applicant?

Thank you

I can’t think of any case where they would contact both. It’s generally either/or

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When did she apply and when did she have the interview?

She applied RD and her interview was about a month ago.

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Certainly, nothing prevents them to call the HS. But if the school uploads the transcripts and there is a question about the transcripts - they would certainly call the HS and not the student. Post application submission, most schools limit their communications to interview / finance documents. They may have the time or the luxury to entertain beyond this.

Sometimes I think they purposefully limit their interactions with parents and students because should they do that, I am sure ‘college confidential’ will not exist- and all the questions will be routed to the schools - Chaos manifestation!


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Hey! Any internationals who got news? I am still waiting for an interview
 Got my ACT score this weekend and there is trouble to send It to my colleges because I registered directly in the institution where the exams are held and now I got two different ID numbers that don’t match a single profile in the ACT portal
 A mess
I contacted the Admission Office yesterday to give an explanation and they asked me to write an email directly addressing an Admission Officer.
Do you think my application can be hurt because of this problem? I mean, I uploaded a screenshot of the Score I can see in my profile (the section with the circles for each part) and I said that if they required any emails to verify the fact I did take the exam or that I have been writing to ACT, I could send them screenshots.
I hope my test is just not considered until this is solved, at this point, if they simply consider the fact I did take it, this would be more than enough for me. At least I prefer it, rather than having the scores submited and not being able to send them an official transcript if I end up being accepted

Please, let me know what do you think. Is there a chance they will not take this trouble I am having in a negative way?

My son’s Harvard RD portal shows a missing Secondary Schol Report (they received the mid-year grades, secondary school transcript, etc.). Son emailed Admissions but there has not been a reply. The school counselor sent the report twice to Harvard. Application was filed via Coalition App. Should we be worried? I assume that Harvard has the school report from other candidates from the same high school, as many apply each year, however the “awaiting” red sign on the portal worries me. Have you had such an experience? Also, how do we know that Harvard received the outside (non-teacher) recommendations? It is very clear when applying via Common App, but not as clear via Coalition App. Thank you.

I would not get too worked up about the interview/ absence of interview. My daughter is int’l and was accepted to Yale EA; the other person she has managed to contact from around here got in EA without an interview. And no, that student was not an athlete, legacy, or any other special class of student. And they live near a major metropolitan center with loads of alums. So take all of the definitive statements that claim lack of interview= sure rejection with a big grain of salt. Sometimes it really is just arbitrary—-

Hello! Do you think the same goes for international students who applied to Harvard? I mean, people say that Harvard seems to take interviews more into account than other universities.

Reply to a wrong person?

Hello everyone! Do you know what do IVP ratings really mean for interviews? The 1-4 scale situates in the categories of numbers 1 and 2 applicants from whom the Admission Officers need more information. But, then, this can also be negative?
I mean, if you are given a 4 score It might be because your application is more complete if they compare it with those of other applicants from your country. And therefore, they would priorize giving interviews to those students that lack of further information. Maybe I am totally wrong but I would really love reading other thoughts on this rating.

My friend just got a second interview from his AO. International.

That is great, I wish I could get at least a first interview. Even if it was directly with an Admission Officer


You are not alone
My son was deferred and did not get an interview then or now
I know it’s disheartening to hear others are receiving a second interview
 but don’t let it bother you
you sound like a brilliant, determined person
you’ll end up doing great things because of your attitude regardless of which university you end up joining :hugs:


Thank your for your encouraging words. However, I really try to still hold to my last hopes. It is hard but, I really thought I would stand out and even though other applicants, of course, also have great skills and personality, I don’t undertand why I didn’t make it. I mean, I speak 6 languages and I am learning two more, I am a first generation, I work, regional tennis champion and National finalist in several Championships, have volunteered in different fields that relate to my art and music interests, I am the leader of a Psychology and Neuroscience Club which are options I would like to study, participated in Debate and Speeches
 I have submited a portfolio and other extra materials, listed a ton of awards and honors
 Like, what else? I also believe my essays are, at least, not bad as one shows a difficult family situation (my father has problems with alcohol and my mother has suffered several heart attacks because of the stress that this causes to her) I overcame through my interest in Psychology since I was a child and how it has evolved until now (learning in a local Health Center in the Psychyatry deparment, giving speeches in local Youth Centers, creating the Psychology Club at a near University
). While the second shows the lack of Resources I had to play tennis at a high level because of our financial situation and how I also overcame this, eventually understood I didn’t play to just get a hundred prizes but because I love this sport and how now I mentor other children to transmit the same feeling to them.
Once more, I know I am not perfect but, come on, what did I do wrong, like, I really thought I did put my best foot foward