Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hello! Thank you so much too! I still didn’t get an interview so… But who knows, I am trying to have hope

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I called Harvard financial aid bc I had the same question and they said that they dont see the apps until after a decision has been made on admission, and that they dont ask for any docs from applicants until then. And that they dont tell any famiies what, if anything, is needed i.e., no list like Yale has about documents. If it is in IDOC, they will find it…

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I thought that they sent you their decision about financial aid the same day the results are out( if you have submitted your documents before the deadline) , but they have told you that they review FA after the results are out?

So that means we now can ignore the email from IDOC regarding that we need to submit some missing FA materials, correct?

not after the results are out publicly - but after results are decided internally

Thank you for your answer! So , the email from IDOC was something all applicants recieve ?

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Agreed on all counts. But these are kids, after all. A valid Q back is, “Why me?”

The week of Feb 20. Not sure which day.

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Hey, so I found a folder in my inspect element that I don’t have in any of my other portals. Labeled slate-fall2021.css. I’m curious if anyone else has the same?

Inspect → under your ‘Sources’ tab → drop down “no domain” → I see it. Or just expand everything as see if it’s there.

Just curious!

I found it as well. I know a bit of coding and I think it’s written as a comment, so nothing serious, but who knows.

Screenshot 2023-03-12 153523

I don’t have that. Can you download it or is it risky?

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Are you on chrome? A friend of mine didn’t see it until he went to Chrome, then saw it.

Nope Safari. Wait a sec.

Have it, but I don’t think it means anything.


The Metamask thing is an add-on for crypto so don’t worry :joy:.

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The file does contain an ID tag icon so that may be good I don’t see it in the portal itself.

Is this in your Harvard application portal?


It’s the CSS file that is used to style the portal page. It is already being used to style elements on the page, so I would imagine that everyone has this file.

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