Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

oh, so if I didn’t file CSS, I wouldn’t have this screen? I couldn’t see anything like you guys showed above.

CSS as in Cascading Style Sheets. It’s a programming language, not the financial aid from collegeboard. I have no way of confirming this, but I have a hard time imagining that whether you applied for aid would make a difference.

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Unrelated to the portal astrology, but I still haven’t gotten an interview :skull:

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If you’re an international without an interview you’re done right?

I’m not sure how it works, but I’m domestic, so whether that’s true or not, it wouldn’t matter


It’s very very rare for applicants to get into w/o an interview. That being said, interviews are still going on, so don’t lose hope!

Even domestic?

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How do you know interviews are still going on? Results will be released in two weeks and I think the AOs are preparing for the final confirmation.


I thought they were at least. I’ve heard anecdotes on A2C about people getting them, but who knows.

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Do you know something about likely letters? I have not hear about someone recieving one

Full Committee started meeting in the first week of March, meaning IMO that unless your application is already reviewed by now there’s always the chance to get interviews until two weeks from now.

Anyone else have thoughts on what this is?

As SkiEurope likes to say, this is also true, so I’m not really thinking too much of it.


Sorry. As a computer programmer who didn’t file for financial aid, CSS 100% means something else to me than it does to most of the people here. CSS is what is used to style webpages.
Everyone would have this file on their portal whether you can find it or not or else your portal would not look nice. The different areas of the portal page are all using styles from this file to do so.


It really is just the file to style the current portal. Every item on the page is styled by it. I inspected the icon next to the Upload Materials and you can see that it’s styles come from that file. (I circled the file for the style)

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For those who got early action Harvard whn are they calling you for open house?
I am making a tentative open house dates

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Two things. For the interview, I had mine a week ago and my interviewer told me they hadn’t even finished my region (I’m domestic). And for the coding, idk how trustworthy it is because I tried that on my UChicago one and saw the colors of the acceptance icons in the code and ended up waitlisted lol


My son had an interview last week.


Hi just wondering what the last updated time on your harvard slate say because mine stays at 6th march aroung 5pm and one of my friends got 8th march

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Mine says March 6, but I don’t think it means anything