Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks! I am from Spain and I haven’t Heard anything yet… Do you know until what date can I expect to still be contacted?

I believe not everyone gets an interview- it’s based on if your application stood out + if there’s an alumni interviewer available to interview you within the area.

Thanks! I really hope they still contact me, I think the interview can be held until the end of Frebruary so there is a chance they haven’t arranged it or who knows, maybe officers haven’t even read my application yet…

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It’s based solely on interviewer availability. In many cases, interview requests have gone out before the application is even read.


Hi! Do you know until what date aproximately I can still be contacted for an interview?

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I have read that for accepted international students an interview is always held.

Last year, they were still interviewing in March


Sorry for ansking too many questions, but it really helps me. I know that the whole process is unpredictable and there is not just black or white.
But, what do you think about maths? Does Harvard give a lot of attention to that certain grade? I don’t intend to study a degree on maths and all my highschool scores are 9/10 or 10/10 except for maths. Last year was really hard because of a job I had in order to sustain my family and I got very lost in the subject so I ended up with a 7/10. This year I am starting to get better but again, in the first exams related to last years concepts, I ended up with another 7. I explained my circumstances in the additional information section but I am still worried that grade is going to reflect on a very negative way. Until last year,in 9th and 10th grade I got all 9 and 10 in maths though so… I really aporeciate for you to give an opinion on it.

Oh I see! My bad.

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This is more of a stupid question to ask, but how much does the interview matter in the application? Can it move you from being rejected to admitted if it goes really well? curious.


No. In 99.99% of the cases, it will have little impact. In the 0.01%, it will move the application into the rejected pile for some egregiously bad behavior on the part of the applicant


I see! Thanks.

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I do think that they consider the interview. My kid looked at their ad com review afterwards, and the comments included, “Looks great. Let’s see what the interviewer has to say.” So I think that the only thing that the interview can do is torpedo an application that otherwise would have been accepted.


that’s what I was thinking, but maybe I’m mistaken?

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Which means the application wasn’t in the reject pile, so aligning with what I said


Should we ask for an interview to Harvard if we are international ? I read that if you are not from the UK or Canada it might be good to send the office an email to arrange one.

It will do no good. They assume you want an in interview; no need to tell them. You will be randomly assigned an interviewer if and when available.

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My child was deferred. Does anyone know how many deferred students get accepted in RD round?



So why do they defer 7000 kids? Is it possible that they cannot decide on 7000 applications?