harvard, dartmouth... you know, those schools no one ever is chanced for ;)

<p>UW: 3.88
W: 4.46
School doesn't rank, top 10% but not valedictorian</p>

<p>ACT: 35
SAT II Chemistry: 800
Literature: 750
World History: 790</p>

<p>Captain of Speech team (won some awards there), won outstanding delegate in Model UN (been on it 4 years), Science Club Captain, Editor of School Newpaper</p>

<p>Good deal of essay-writing awards (nothing hugely prestigious, but some state/national stuff)</p>

<p>Chances for:

<p>It would help if you would be more specific on any hooks, race, gender etc…take a look at the full list of things you would want for a chance me post. Just going by that </p>

<p>Harvard - High Reach
Dartmouth - Mid Reach
Cornell - High Match
Northwestern - Match
Michigan - Match
NYU - Match
Amherst - ?</p>

<p>Right, I am a caucasian female, going to a fairly competative high school in the Midwest.</p>

<p>Harvard- even top students don’t get in. High Reach
Dartmouth- Reach
Cornell- Low Reach
Northwestern- Match
Michigan- Match
NYU- Match
Amherst- Reach</p>

<p>Pretty much the same as Torcher. Ivy’s are difficult for everyone. Even a perfect SAT score and valedictorian status wom’t automatically grant you admissions.</p>

<p>slightly more optimistic:</p>

<p>Harvard- hahahah
Dartmouth- reach, but not impossible
Cornell- match, maybe high match
Northwestern- match
Michigan- in (I don’t see why people say this is a match. I got into the honors program there with the same stats as you)
NYU- in
Amherst- see harvard, re: LOL</p>

<p>This is all assuming that you were much more detailed about ECs in your apps, you took tons of APs, and your essays were great.</p>

<p>Harvard- 30% Chance
Dartmouth- 55% chance
Cornell- 70% chance
Northwestern- 75% chance
Michigan- In
Amherst- 60% chance</p>

<p>Oh, I was WAY more detailed in my apps about my EC’s-- According to the counselor, I have the best EC’s in the school. I’ll have taken 10 AP’s by the end of the senior year (I’ve gotten all 5’s on 4 APs so far). I would think that my GPA woudl be the thing to bring me down. </p>

<p>Sorry, I should have put this info. at the beginning, I’m new to this.</p>

<p>Nice SAT scores.</p>

<p>Harvard- high reach
Dartmouth- reach
Cornell- low reach
Northwestern- high match
Michigan- low match
NYU- high safety
Amherst- reach</p>

<p>Please chance me, too! :slight_smile:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Harvard-Roll a 20-sided die.
Dartmouth- High Match
Cornell-Match Match
Northwestern-Low Match

<p>Wow, some of these people are real jerks, huh? I agree with most of them but Harvard is completely overrated. I know a bunch of Harvard grads and they’re all pretentious ******s. I wouldn’t go there if you paid me.</p>