Harvard Pre-Interview Resume

Can someone explain how I should answer these?

1.ELECTED OFFICES (I didn’t get elected to student government or class officers but should I put my position in the clubs which I was elected?)

2.COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: (should I just list the community activities that I am involved in for this one or should I describe and make it long?)

  1. ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES: (does being on the dance team count for this?)
  2. SCHOOL OR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: (I'm not sure about this one. Is it talking about employment during school and during summer? If so, does it have to be something that's paid? I am teaching dance because I have gotten a license for it.)
  3. HOBBIES OR SPECIAL PROJECTS: (special projects as in something I've done outside of school? like on my own without any organization such as a club?)
  4. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: (should I put the clubs in this section or in community activities?)
  • yes
  • if it's a type of resume, keep it short
  • yes
  • any paid employment, definitely. You COULD put the dance teaching here if you want and say that it's pro bono, but you could also put it with#2 or #5. No school is going to ding you for not working a paid job if you have enough other stuff going on in your life
  • Anything outside of school (the getting the license and teaching dance for free would be a good one for this section) and any other hobbies/activities that you do that helps paint a picture of an interesting person
  • Any clubs that are associated with your school should go here (#1 is just to mention elected positions that you hold with any clubs, school or non-school affiliated).
    Edited screaming clickbait header

    Don’t overthink this and don’t stress about it. Organize your info any way you want. Sometimes interviewers don’t even look at it.

    Remember you are finding a school that fits you not fitting yourself to a school. Make sure that you are interviewing Harvard as well as the other way around and ask questions accordingly.