Can someone explain how I should answer these?
1.ELECTED OFFICES (I didn’t get elected to student government or class officers but should I put my position in the clubs which I was elected?)
2.COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: (should I just list the community activities that I am involved in for this one or should I describe and make it long?)
- ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES: (does being on the dance team count for this?)
- SCHOOL OR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: (I'm not sure about this one. Is it talking about employment during school and during summer? If so, does it have to be something that's paid? I am teaching dance because I have gotten a license for it.)
- HOBBIES OR SPECIAL PROJECTS: (special projects as in something I've done outside of school? like on my own without any organization such as a club?)
- SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: (should I put the clubs in this section or in community activities?)