Harvard RD 2014 Thread

<p>For some reason, I’m inclined to believe that iluvturtlezzz is a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>Yep, definitely a ■■■■■</p>


Again, I don’t see the humor? And no one has explained the humor to me…they’ve been saying the statement was serious, not humorous.</p>

<p>Calm down, guys. </p>

<p>^ stupefy was made a few jokes, not to be malicious or condescending. Let’s all be friends here in the Harvard thread! :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Meanwhile, our thread has been ■■■■■■■. DX</p>


as much as it pains me to EXPLAIN an obvious statement, I will. just for you :wink: see I used the wink again.
SO people were complaining that questbridge applicants had an “easier time” so to speak with admissions, since we can assume that QB’s are given somewhat of a boost when being considered. SO i attempted to turn that around by saying, well I only envy them in this process, not in their lives to put things in perspective. its not an LOL joke but it has a tad bit of humor in it, or at least I think so. if you dont think its funny, dont laugh. but dont you go calling me condescending.</p>

<p>This is starting to be a bit like beating a dead horse. Explaining a joke really does kill it.</p>

<p>thank you for your generosity. by the way, i never said “condescending” I only said ******bag. must be your guilty conscious ;)</p>



Anyway, how was everyone’s first day back? Mine is Thursday.</p>

<p>First post on this thread, after being brutally rejected by Yale scea. </p>

<p>Lucky I started school yesterday! and for the person who said everyone should be more optimistic and say " I will get into Harvard!" honestly don’t do that! I really never understood what rejection felt like from my first choice school ( I memorize the Yale handbook, read every bit of their website, talked to tons of Yale alumni, dreamed about Yale everyday , told myself I actually had a chance and that the worst the would happen was being deferred since 65% of apps were deferred or accepted) AFter being rejected I am not so optimistic anymore and since the app is already turned in I don’t really want to spend another grueling three months talking about decisions. 1.5 months on the yale scea hopeful site was enough for me!!! </p>

<p>SORRY for the long post and rant, I just don’t want people to feel like they’ll die when the harvard rejection comes along and they felt like they for sure would have gotten in!! I seriously cried for an 2 days after I found out from yale. </p>

<p>why don’t we talk about things to relieve the wait!!! How was everyone’s vacation any funny stories or cool trips?</p>

<p>My first day back sucked. But I’m currently hating school. I have no idea why I’m still awake. I got really sleep deprived last semester and I was missing certain nutrients and my electrolytes got imbalanced or something. Then one day I woke up and I couldn’t walk. Very temporary, but I probably shouldn’t skip sleep.</p>

<p>The best thing to do is to lose all hope. For MIT, I tried crying at every step of the application process, to further convince myself that I would be rejected. I think if I had been rejected, I would have been just fine.</p>

<p>LUCKY ^Did you get accepted? I should have lost hope with yale, but its hard when its your first choice school and you’ve wanted to go since you were 10 and visited with an older sibling</p>

<p>I think I’m the most scared about Yale. My grandfather said since I was little, little, little that I would go there. And since he died, it’s my mother’s dream. All of my family, even extended, sounds sort of obsessive when they talk about it now. My aunt last week was like “Yale!” Of course, I really want to go there for myself, but I’m freaked about disappointing them and then feeling guilty for ruining all their dreams. And a guy I’ll be working with this summer and who I see every weekend got in EA, so I’ll feel jealous.</p>

<p>I did get accepted. But one of my friends (who is Asian) was deferred and I felt really guilty. An Asian guy from her school got in though, so maybe I shouldn’t. I didn’t tell my math teacher because her favorite student, who is a genius, and who is my friend’s friend, and my sister’s friend’s friend (she goes to Harvard. The friend) was rejected. My math teacher cried then. I just told my Art History teacher, since her father went there.</p>

<p>Having a Catholic mother really ups your ability to constantly feel guilty.</p>

<p>You’re right about hope. I realized today that, at least in the abstract sense, hope makes me sad more than things like death. I was listening to this radio show and one guy talked about all these deaths of his family and friends and I was okay. Then another guy talked about the hope he had for his unborn child, and I couldn’t deal. I feel like Chatskii in “Woe from Wit:” “Why did you let me hope for what was not to be? Why did you leave me to discover you’d turned the past into a joke, no longer cared! Even the memory has faded of those first stirrings of the heart, the love we shared. . . .”</p>

<p>^ Don’t be guilty about your friend’s deferral. We Asians can handle a more challenging college process - we brought it upon ourselves, anyway. Besides, you got into MIT, right? MIT is my dream school. Having that school as a backup is pretty awesome.</p>


must be the fact that you are an a-hole</p>

<p>you guys need to calm down >_<</p>

<p>damn, i think im going to loose my mind for this long wait for admissions</p>

<p>ok i just had an epiphany and figured out why yale deferred me!! so that harvard can open the door !! duh</p>


i agree.<br>
now, i will look at things this way… stanford DENIED me because the higher power wants me to attend Harvard. lol…</p>

<p>you know what they say, everything happens for a reason</p>

<p>(and it better be a good damn reason)</p>

<p>True that about Stanford. This just means that college won’t be sunny all year round :(</p>

<p>It’s okay. A little rain/snow is good for the soul.</p>

<p>my parents didnt even let me apply to stanford. ha</p>

<p>Hahaha @Stupefy, I see you in all the same threads as me :)</p>

<p>Why not? It’s a good school.</p>