Harvard student here -- will critique EA/ED essays


<p>I'm a freshman at Harvard. I have two midterms and an essay due in the next week. But I'm not in the mood to study much anymore, so I thought I might give back to CC, which (well, it played a minimal role) helped me get here. </p>

<p>So to anyone applying EA/ED to top colleges only (Yale, Brown, Penn, others of similar caliber) I am willing to critique your common-app essay (please no college-specific essays). It must be proofread and complete. Please mention what college it is going to. I will read all of the ones sent until my inbox is full. I will reply within 1-2 days with a critique, and I will be as inquisitive, harsh, and helpful as I can in a few sentences. </p>

<p>If you want me to read over your essay please send it in a PM and please put a space between each paragraph so its easier to read. I will not share these essays and I will delete them as I reply to them. So, PM away if you wish! </p>


<p>Awesome! I’ve PM’d you.</p>

<p>Will you accept essays for non-commonapp schools? (MIT, specifically).</p>

<p>I’ve PM-ed you, but it isn’t for a common-app school. (Columbia, actually.)</p>

<p>Great, thank you so much. </p>

<p>BTW, when you stop taking in new essays, can you make a post to let everyone know. I don’t want to sit in front of the computer anxiously waiting for the critique that’s never going to come.</p>

<p>Are you still taking essays? I would LOVE a critique on my common app essay, which is going to Yale, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt, and Cornell.</p>

<p>Yes, I will still read some more essays and am around half way done replying to the ones in my inbox. If my inbox is not full when you send your essay I will read it by tomorrow or Tuesday. </p>

<p>And I will read non-commonapp essays as long as they are not college-specific.</p>