Harvard Transfer Admits

<p>HS GPA: 3.7
College GPA: 3.9 after 3 semesters at top 30 LAC
SATs: 1370
SAT IIs: 600 writing, 700 lit, 710 Math IC</p>

<p>HS: cum laude from top prep school
College GPA: 3.77 first semester from top 5 LAC (probably lower second semester)
SATs: 1520
SAT IIs: 760 writing, 770 math IC, 710 US history</p>

<p>and Uncreative, I'm sure you're amazing. Don't let anything anyone says here bother you.</p>

<p>Yeah, don't feel bad. There was some guy on this forum who told me my essays for Harvard were "poor" right after I'd said how much time I put into them and how much they meant to me and posted one of them.</p>

<p>on a separate note, for people looking for stats, i actually took the IIc not the Ic. not that it really matters.</p>

<p>Uncreative: don't let what people say throw you. There is much more than stats to admissions, especially to Harvard. The adcoms felt you were qualified (more so than the 1000 others who applied), and their opinion is the only one that matters.</p>

<p>Thanks for the stats. Mine look comparatively similar (3.9 college after 2 semesters, honors program at top public, 1440/780/740/690 sats, ~3.4 hs), maybe I've got a chance next year! What are you guys studying?</p>

<p>thanks to all of you. that makes me feel a lot better seriously. i really shouldn't let random strangers get to me, haha. i'm sure you are all amazing too and i hope you are having a fantastic summer!</p>

<p>IM me at aleroo15 anytime</p>

<p>my advice to you would be to really work on your essays and to really take advantage of all of the questions on the haravrd application. Use them to reveal your <em>passion</em> and personal characteristics. i think harvard is really into passion. it worked for me. </p>

<p>next semester, take the time to master a certain field of interst to you and consistently pursue your special talent. make sure you have strong prof. recommendations which also talk about you in terms of this talent, and, if you are lucky enough to have an interview, make sure it is strong--a strong interview report can really be beneficial.</p>

<p>passion is definitely the most important thing. but, i know this might sound kind of hypocritical, harvard is not the be-all-and-end-all. what i mean by that is getting into harvard shouldnt be your passion. think about what you like, and do it, and that can be one thing! really think of this second application process as a time to assess where you are in your education and what your goals are. think about what you want to accomplish during and after college, regardless of where you graduate from. if youre driven and doing things you love, harvard, or anywhere, would be lucky to have you!</p>

<p>random, annoying question, but have any of you guys bought harvard stuff yet? i like this t-shirt <a href="http://www.ivysport.com/product-product_id/1676/category_id/122%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ivysport.com/product-product_id/1676/category_id/122&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>haha, yeah. i bought a few things when i visited two weeks ago, including a very similar t-shirt. it's awesome. go for it!</p>

<p>Hey guys I was wondering if any of you has gotten a weird PM discouraging you from going to Harvard. It's not that I disagree with it... It was just out of the blue and weird. Anyone?</p>

<p>Uncreative09: I am sorry to say this, but you set yourself a little bit for that one. When I was reading this thread the same two statements made dubious impression on me.</p>

<p>Tree: Yale, huh? Not bad. Not bad.</p>

<p>martini! where have you been?! and where are you going?!</p>

<p>yeah martini, where are you heading?</p>

<p>Here are my stats: </p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.8
SATI: V800 M690
SATII: Hist 800 Writ 760 Chem 710
ECs: Varsity Hockey/Lacrosse, Club Soccer (Capt/Asst. Coach), State Debater/Coach, Eagle Scout, Founding Member of Progressive Club</p>

<p>College GPA: 4.0
ECs: Novice Men's Crew, Eco-pledge, LTS, Volunteer for Deval Patrick, </p>

<p>I also think that I had two really good recommendations from teachers who I had for the whole year and saw on a weekly basis in their offices. </p>

<p>For anyone else who got in, congrats, and my sn is wishiwasskiing42</p>

<p>yeah okay fine maybe... it came out wrong. oh well.
and i got the weird PM too.
also, i approve that shirt! didn't see that one</p>

<p>what did this PM say?</p>

P.S. Anyone who hasn't joined my yahoo listserver should do so... we have 7 people on it, but I'm sure there's more who want to join. PM me or E-mail me (<a href="mailto:augie93@optonline.net">augie93@optonline.net</a>)

<p>In response both to the question about a PM complaining about Harvard, as well as myths that I've been thinking about a lot recently (I only just sent in my decline to Columbia today; I was having second thoughts.</p>

<p>This is probably going to be lengthy, but maybe my past week of thinking will help others...?</p>

<p>I got a lengthy series of PMs from one person from these boards who had transfered from a top-10 small liberal arts school and hated it... most of the things that person (he/she was very discrete about not revealing anything about themselves to me, so pardon my vagueness) complained about were things that I was already aware of.</p>

<p>Mostly, Alumni aren't as supportive of each other as some schools, Advising isn't as personalized, student population isn't totally cohesive, dissatisfaction amongst students, etc. (s/he wrote it in many more words).</p>

<p>While I understand much of the person's complaints, I attribute it to three main factors:</p>

<p>1) The difference between a small top-notch liberal arts school and a similarly ranked university are huge: you won't know everyone, advisors will be busy, and there are a lot of alumni. It isn't as tight-knit as an Amherst or a Swarthmore.</p>

<p>2) The Cult of Complaining that I've come to realize. It's not very classy to rave about Harvard - it is already considered the best school in the country. On the contrary, complaining is similar to being modest "Oh, harvard isn't all it's made out to be...". More importantly, Harvard caliber students aren't easy to please - they're generally hard working and often perfectionists. Most importantly, it's chic to be critical and forward-thinking.</p>

<p>3) The administration is slowly, but surely, making some changes to address Student Satisfaction. Yale's admission numbers have skyrocketed... Why? Because the administration had to respond to the fact that places like Morningside Heights and Cambridge dwarf New Haven. So, Yale has to create more events on campus, and the administration is much more responsive to Student interests. Harvard has the name, and Cambridge/Boston, so student satisfaction isn't quite as big a deal. However, as Yale's selectivity ranking beat Harvard's, among other events, the Administration has become more responsive to Student interests, perhaps partly in an attempt to bolster student satisfaction. Yardfest (Ben Folds), other campus events, a campus Pub, more money to houses for social events, and the research into a Student Center are all examples of relatively recent changes to address many concerns.</p>

<p>In sum, I'd say it's a good time to be entering Harvard, because however grim it <em>might</em> have been in the past, Harvard is definitely moving forward at an accelerating pace.</p>

<p>I'd be happy to further elaborate and discuss if anyone's as interested in the status of harvard, from what we've seen so far.</p>

<p>hi, guys. i received a phone call today asking if i'd like to attend harvard in the fall (i'd been on the waitlist). so i said yes. so now i think i'm going. i get finaid info next week. and hopefully, everything will work out! yayy :)</p>

<p>Awesome confetti tea! Here's to hoping I get off the Columbia waiting list :x</p>