Has anyone ever dodged school because they didn't study for a test or finish an essay

<p>I’ve never stayed home for an essay, project, or paper. That just screams “I started too late” to me.
As for missing tests, I think I truly skipped a few APUSH ones in 10th grade and a few of my physics absences were less than purely motivated.</p>

<p>guilty. really really guilty. too ashamed to post anything more up here.</p>

<p>I hate missing out on school unless it is after all the exams or sometime when there’s not much work to be done, because I have to catch up on the work by copying off one of my friends’ books. Which is terribly annoying both for me and my friend.
Normally if I didn’t study for a test I go along with it, my worst subject is physics but the curriculum is easy enough for me to get a B even if I didn’t study at all.
I’m slightly college obsessed and sometimes feel academically superior to others at my school, but I’m not a grade grubber.
And when I haven’t finished an essay or assignment I just make an excuse or say that I’ve e-mailed it to them etc. Most the time I won’t be the only one to do this so the teacher’s just like, whatever. If it is a really important essay the teacher normally says that she/he expects it by the due date whether or not you are there.</p>

<p>The one time I missed school on purpose was when I was depressed.
I told my mom I was mentally unwell.
Then she rang the school office and said I was unwell.
Not like I was lying!</p>

<p>Loads of times in middle school and my freshman year. But now that I have a lot more work to do, I only procrastinate so much that I can still finish things during study halls, homeroom, or during all-nighters. I can’t really skip school now that I’m taking AP.</p>

<p>I skipped school to study for the AP Chemistry exam last year.</p>