<p>has anyone just gotten to a school and fell in love right away? I mean completely and utterly fallen in love with a place.</p>
<p>YES! GETTYSBURG! from the second i saw the admissions office i knew that was where i wanted to attend college!</p>
I completely fell in love with Amherst and Notre Dame.</p>
<p>Notre Dame was the first college I had ever been to, and I stayed there for a month during the summer for tennis camp in middle school. It was so much fun, and later when I went to a football game, I loved it even more. Its like this magnate that draws you into the “notre dame family” lol, its such an awesome place full of spirit.
…except I hated the dorm I stayed in xD But the rest made up for it. That summer camp experience made me look forward to college!</p>
<p>I loved Goucher! And it was cold and rainy but I just loved the people and the campus. I was probably influenced a bit by the Baltimore area though. In retrospect, I was just high off the fact that I actually saw groups of minorities. I just loved the culture shock. I probably looked crazy running around going “look Mom, Black people!”</p>
<p>^LOL “look Mom, Black people!”^</p>
<p>I also fell in love with Notre Dame as soon as I drove through it, but I didn’t even apply this year, ha shame shame. But since then I fell in love again with U of Minnesota.</p>
<p>Notre Dame for me too, first time I set foot on campus.</p>
<p>Pomona, Pomona. Pomona.</p>
<p>georgetown…love at first sight</p>
<p>georgetown for me too, i love everything about it</p>
<p>I knew Macalester was my number one before I went to visit schools, but during the tour i knew I needed to go there.</p>
<p>Brown had me from the moment my tour started. And it was a miserable, cold, rainy, muddy New England day.</p>
<p>Tufts even more so. Before I had heard a word from anyone, I loved it completely</p>
<p>i fell in love with Point Park
everything i see, every time i learn something, i love it even more</p>
<p>As weird as this may sound, I think I’ve fallen in love with my state school. </p>
<p>There are so many things about it that turn me off, and I tell myself that going there would be a bad decision all of the time. On the other hand, I feel like there are enough good things, like its cool campus, awesome programs, and large enough alternative and intellectual population, to make up for its large size, closeness to home and notorious party scene. And, as someone really interested in politics, it makes sense to stay because I already have so many contacts here. </p>
<p>I’ve thought about this a lot recently. Even though I’m looking at a lot of other schools, something tells me I’ll end up going to the state u, especially if fin aid doesn’t work out.</p>
<p>I also love Pitzer, Carleton and Oberlin, though I haven’t visited any of those schools.</p>
<p>USC. I’m in love with it. I wake up every morning and USC is the first thing on my mind.</p>
<p>^^flowering spade what is your state school? I’m just curious.</p>
<p>Yeah, MIT. I made excuses to not apply (afraid of chemistry GIR, don’t know how to engineer robots), but in the end, my love for MIT was so overwhelming that I gave in. When I first liked MIT, there wasn’t really any reason. It was just an inexplicable feeling. (But now I thoroughly understand why I love MIT. ;))</p>