Has anyone here heard of Global College?

<p>I found this college while I was browsing around on the internet. Apparently it is part of Long Island University. Basically, you get to travel around the world and live in different areas and then at the end of four years you graduate with a BA in Global Studies. I just wanted to know if anyone had heard of this. Do you think it is something employers would look keenly on? It seems like a great opportunity, but I doubt a lot of people have heard of it.</p>

<p>Here's the website: Global</a> College</p>

<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>i've never heard of it but it does look very interesting</p>

<p>It looks like an interesting idea but I don't think you'd get a deep or thorough education this way.</p>

<p>No I haven't heard of it. Sounds cool and might be good if you wanna study international relations or other wordly things. But still if you wanna job and to go there, you should get a masters from a more conventional college</p>

<p>yeah that's what I think. It doesn't seem very conventional. The experience must be amazing but it doesn't seem like it would be a well rounded education.</p>

<p>It would probably depend on what you wanted to major in. Also, make sure you look at the price pretty closely, they charge by semester. I really liked it, but I want to major in biology.</p>