Has anyone (or their children) taken Hoda Karasky for econ?

If so how is she? She has bad RMP reviews but taking her would mean I don’t have class friday.

Zirlott is the only Econ 110/111 teacher worth taking it from.

My daughter had her twice, but for upper level Econ classes, not 110/111. She did well in both classes, but did not think el-Karasky was a good teacher. She took her for the second class only because she needed the class and el-Karasky was the only one teaching it.

I have walsh right now and disagree, he’s awesome

mom How was she bad?

Just my opinion: always take the classes with the best possible teachers, regardless of the schedule. (Even an 8am with a great teacher can be worth it, over a less desirable teacher at a more tolerable time of day.)

Unless you work in paid employment, and will use the Friday for that purpose, having a day off in the week is over-rated. Even if it is a Friday. Football season is over soon, so tailgating won’t be an option. Until after Spring Break, it won’t be great weather outside to lounge by the pool. You may end up ‘wasting’ a Friday on frivolous activities instead of staying focused on classes spread across the entire week. Not saying these comments apply to the OP, but great students should never regularly use Fridays to recover from Thirsty Thursdays! :smiley:

Learn to read between the lines a bit on RMP. Always take what is said with a grain of salt. People are much more likely to complain about something than praise something, especially in anonymous posts (). Comments on RMP can differ depending on the course taught (i.e., gen-ed section vs an upper-class section). Take suggestions seriously (such as attending class, participating in class, seeking help during office hours, and so forth). In all honesty, go meet the teacher ahead of time if you have concerns and make your decision based on that. Good luck!

My sons says that Professor Walsh was a wonderful Econ teacher, just FYI. His favorite class in over two years.

My daughter’s complaint was that she didn’t explain things well, was disorganized and sometimes confused. I don’t think it was difficult to get a good grade, but it was difficult to master the material because of the less than stellar teaching. That’s a bigger deal for one who is going on in Economics and needs a good grounding in the basics.

@amy9998 I am in his honors micro right now and he’s hilarious. @aeromom Thank you for the suggestion, I may just take the better teacher. @BethsMom thank you for that, I will keep it in mind